I enjoy Matthew Fox's Daily Meditations delivered to my email inbox. I am grateful for the Via Positiva as a counterbalance to the Via Negativa we experience daily through media recounting: war in Ukraine; refugees; discord of American politics; crisis in democracy; voter suppression; human-caused degradation of our fragile ecosphere; social and economic injustices; genocide; lies and misinformation; incivility and coarseness; pandemic; anxiety and psychological distress; inflation; financial collapse; greed; crime; violence; surveillance and loss of freedoms; cyberattacks; depression...
Returning to the sacred and Original Blessing is absolutely essential in the face of human folly at work today as we face our own extinction and that of other species. ~ Matthew Fox
"A good dose of the Via Positiva goes a long way to feeding us with the beauty and goodness and love that allows us to persevere in combating Evil and its many, many faces. Returning to the sacred and Original Blessing is absolutely essential in the face of human folly at work today as we face our own extinction and that of other species."
We are not powerless victims but “participants in the primary sacred reality in a time of darkness and unknowing." Let our lives sing a love song to the world.