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Ashland Climate Collaborative

Rick Bonetti

Updated: Apr 10, 2024

The Ashland Climate Collaborative has been described as a "network of networkers," a "hub" linking together climate-focused groups in the Rogue Valley of southern Oregon, brings folks with similar goals/values together tp brainstorm; some brainstorming groups become teams within the collaborative's "container."

ACC "was formed in 2021 to foster collaboration across our community in local solutions that reduce our climate footprint and build a resilient Ashland." They are "an Oregon registered nonprofit and are in the process of applying for federal 501(c)(3) nonprofit status."

Ashland Climate Collaborative has four action teams (groups of community residents, like you, working together to educate and organize climate actions on specific topics):

From their website: "In 2022, the Ashland Climate Collaborative is developing Networks for local organizations, businesses, and neighborhoods to come together to accelerate climate action and integrate it into standard practice. Networks can be formed for a particular business sector (i.e., grocers, realtors, or banking), or can cross business sectors to focus on particular challenges like reducing food waste, electrification, or making biking and walking safer)."

Lorrie Kline Kaplan, is the President of ACC and Chair of Ashland Climate Action Project of Southern Oregon Climate Action Now (SOCAN.). Rick Barth, ACC Treasurer, is Chair of the City of Ashland Climate Policy Commission. ACC Secretary Candace Turtle is Chair of the Rotary of Ashland Environmental & Sustainability Committee.


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