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Becoming a Creation Justice Church

Rick Bonetti

Updated: Nov 27, 2022

On November 17, 2022 the Creation Justice Church program of the United Church of Christ (UCC) had a one-hour YouTube webinar on Becoming a Creation Justice Church. Click here to watch the webinar.

"As Christians, this is our first calling in the Bible. It is also a calling that has been integral to the DNA of the UCC as a denomination and the historic role played by the UCC’s Commission for Racial Justice in launching the environmental justice movement. In the face of the climate crisis," ~ UCC Creation Justice Church program

As the UCC’s Minister for Environmental Justice, the Rev. Dr. Brooks Berndt introduced the program and hosted four church leaders who have helped lead their church into becoming Creation Justice Churches:

Rev. Berndt spoke about the four elements of discernment: 1. theology and worship; 2. institutional life and practice; 3. circles of awareness and advocacy; and 4. connecting to a broader movement. He offered a strategy addressing these elements in each quarter of the year.

This webinar is part of a special series of Thursdays for the Soul webinars focused on twelve Just World Covenant programs in the United Church of Christ. One of these programs will be featured on the third Thursday of each month.

"The Creation Justice Church program has provided a path of active hope for a growing number of congregations." ~ UCC Creation Justice Church program


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