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Building Resilience

Rick Bonetti


According to Brad Reed, Campaign Director for Building Resilience, "Our buildings and homes account for more than one-third of the state’s greenhouse gas pollution. And they aren’t just toxic for our air. Too many buildings leave us vulnerable to the very climate-fueled weather that they contribute to — exposing Oregonians, particularly frontline and lower-income communities, to choking wildfire smoke and extreme heat and cold."

The Building Resilience Campaign Kick-Off to help move Oregon away from dirty fossil fuels by building healthier, more affordable, and resilient communities will be on Zoom Wednesday, February 15, 2023, from 6-7 p.m. PST. Learn more about our bills in the 2023 legislative session from policy experts, hear from special guest speakers, and find out ways you can get involved! RSVP to get the Zoom link If you have any questions please contact the event planning team: Britney VanCitters ( at Oregon League of Conservation Voters, Ana Molina ( at Oregon Just Transition Alliance; and Becca Phelps ( at Unite Oregon.

"No matter who we are or where we live, Oregonians deserve homes and buildings that are healthy, affordable, and safe against the effects of extreme weather. But right now, too many of our homes and workplaces don't protect us enough from climate change harms, like the extreme heat and wildfire smoke. The way we heat and cook with fossil fuels is making things worse and more expensive, especially for lower-income and frontline communities."

Unite Oregon is "advocating for statewide action so new construction is built smart from the start to be healthy and resilient while cutting energy waste and lowering bills. We're also working to make it easier and more affordable to update current homes and buildings to protect us from climate harm and transition to clean, efficient electricity.

"Oregon's legislature must take action in 2023 to give more Oregonians access to more resilient and safer homes and buildings."

*Note: is password protected, but their email shows a physical address of 1390 SE 122nd Ave, Portland, OR. 97233, which is for Unite Oregon. Building Resilience campaign email links include Renew Oregon, @BuildResilient_, and buildingresilience_ Oregon Environmental Council is located at 537 SE Ash Street Suites 205 and 206, Portland, OR 97214


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