University of California Davis' Policy Institute for Energy, Environment and the Economy is offering a Zoom webinar: Air Quality Impacts of the Proposed Expansion of Oregon's Clean Fuels Program on Thursday, April 28, 2022, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. PDT
Here is the UC Davis Webinar Invite – please use this link to register in advance for the meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
"As part of a state-wide effort to reduce carbon emissions, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is considering an expansion of the state's Clean Fuels Program (CFP). Adopted in 2015, the CFP sets a state-wide target for the average amount of carbon intensity (carbon emissions per unit) for transportation fuels. This target declines over time, and creates an incentive for fuel suppliers to bring cleaner, renewable fuels, like electricity, biodiesel, renewable natural gas, or ethanol, to the Oregon market. In addition to being lower-carbon emissions, these fuels also typically reduce emissions of other air pollutants, like particulate matter, and chemicals that contribute to the formation of Ozone or smog."
Researchers from the University of California, Davis, have modeled the air quality impacts of the vehicles and fuels that could be used to meet an expanded Clean Fuels Program in Oregon. This webinar will discuss the methods used for modeling, as well as the results of this research, and give community members an opportunity to speak with members of the research team.
Additional Information
To learn more about this rulemaking in Oregon you can view the rulemaking web page at: Clean Fuels Program Expansion 2022.
If you want to receive future email notices about this rulemaking, you must sign up at: GovDelivery.
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Cory Ann Wind 503-869-1326