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Climate Cafe Multifaith

Rick Bonetti

Climate Cafe MultiFaith is "an opportunity for faith leaders and clergy to get together to share experiences, and engage a discussion, with a short presentation & Q&A, around the subject of climate change, climate effects and climate solutions—hope! "

Climate Cafe MultiFaith is held every 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tuesday of the month, at 11:00 a.m. PDT.

Together we can build a deeper understanding climate change, as well as learn together ways to respond within faith communities, and how a faith-led response could benefit the whole community.

Climate Cafes started in Scotland in 2015. Check out their official page on the Climate Cafe Hub, an article featured in The Guardian about how Climate Cafes began, and also from Avocado Magazine.

Email Richenda Fairhurst to be added for information on Faiths4Future Climate Cafe Multifaith upcoming gatherings. Find their archive here.


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