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Climate Cafe Multifaith on Food Justice

Rick Bonetti

Updated: Jun 23, 2022

On Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 11 a.m. PDT Climate Cafe Multifaith is hosting a conversation about Food Justice and the Faith Community featuring Kelly Moltzen co-founder and convener of the Interfaith Public Health Network. Register.

Interfaith Public Health Network (IPHN) was part of the inaugural planning team for the Faith + Food Coalition Food Systems Dialogues alongside the Center for Earth Ethics.

Upcoming in July from Climate Cafe Multifaith:

July 5, 2022 - Green Teams in Faith Communities: Building youth & BIPOC leadership & partnerships. Led by William H. Morris, now a Faith Organizer with GreenFaith working with the #PeopleVsFossilFuels Campaign. Tuesday July 5th, 11 a.m. PDT Register. July 19, 2022 - Social Transformation & the Climate Crisis: A Bahá’í View. Led by Gary Reusche--living currently in Kviv, Ukraine--we will dive into truth-telling about a world experiencing multiple crises. Reusche brings his experience at the center of agriculture, finance, climate change, and now the war in Ukraine, to talk about what social transformation could look like. July 19th at 11 a.m PDT. Register.

The Climate Cafe movement started in 2015 in rural Scotland and is community led. Now sister Cafés are emerging around the world. Here you can learn about Climate Cafés, connect with others, find out how they work, as well as find support and guidance to start your own.

Climate Cafe Multifaith is organized by Rev. Richenda Fairhurst, former minister at First United Methodist Church in Ashland, OR, who blogs about climate activism at Faiths4Future. This Multifaith community "began as an effort of faith leaders, clergy, lay people, leaders of different faith traditions, who recognized the urgency that we face, the impact that urgency will have or our communities, and the necessity of taking action at all levels. Many of who are part of Faiths4Future were trained by the Climate Reality Project Leadership Corps, and the Minister’s Trainings led by the Center for Earth Ethics."

Climate Cafe MultiFaith is held on zoom every 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tuesday of the month, at 11 a.m. PDT. "It is an opportunity for faith leaders and clergy to get together to share experiences, and engage a discussion, with a short presentation & Q&A, around the subject of climate change, climate effects and climate solutions—hope!"


Richenda Fairhurst's Faith4Future offers good resources, timely boosts of important information and you may sign up for Richenda's newsletter here. Richenda Is Chair of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon's Creation Justice Committee and is affiliated with Interfaith Power and Light. Richenda also founded Creation Faith Future, a non-profit operating in Oregon and Washington states.

“People of faith have a vital role to play as truth-tellers and hope bringers in addressing the climate crisis.” ~ Rev. Richenda Fairhurst


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