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Rick Bonetti

Drill Baby Drill?

Updated: Jul 23

Donald Trump at the RNC made very clear his intention, if re-elected to office in 2024, to abandon efforts to reduce the causes of man-made climate change and "make America the dominant energy producer in the world, by far".... by "streamlining the permitting process, and ending market-distorting restrictions on Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal." Number 1 on the RNC agenda:

"Unleash American Energy - Under President Trump, the U.S. became the Number One Producer of Oil and Natural Gas in the World — and we will soon be again by lifting restrictions on American Energy Production and terminating the Socialist Green New Deal. Republicans will unleash Energy Production from all sources, including nuclear, to immediately slash Inflation and power American homes, cars, and factories with reliable, abundant, and affordable Energy."

In contrast, Evergreen Action says: Kamala Harris Is the Climate Champion We Need. They emphasize that "Vice President Harris has a long track record standing up for climate and environmental justice:"

  • "As Vice President, she cast the deciding vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), unleashing billions of dollars to build the clean energy future we need and has traveled the country standing up for good union jobs. "The Inflation Reduction Act enhanced or created more than 20 tax incentives for clean energy and manufacturing."

  • As the second-highest-ranking official in the most climate-accomplished administration in US history, her leadership has been central to initiatives that are changing peoples' lives for the better around the country.

  • As a Senator from California, she introduced the Climate Equity Act, paving the way for the equity investments made in the IRA, and has been a leading voice for environmental justice her entire career.

  • As California's Attorney General, she took big oil to court and won—siding with communities against their polluting projects and forcing them to clean up their messes.

  • As District Attorney for San Francisco, she established one of the first environmental justice units in the country."

"The choice before us could not be starker. As a nation, we can have Big Oil's hand-picked agents of destruction Donald Trump and JD Vance, who are for nobody but themselves." Craig Segall says, "They would tear apart this country to enact Project 2025’s fossil vision." See Section 12 of Heritage Foundations' Project 2025.

"Or we can have Vice President Harris, who is for the people. Whose career has been dedicated to public service and a safe climate, and who can deliver the thriving, inclusive clean energy economy we know is possible."

  • President Biden leaves a legacy of making significant environmental strides during his tenure as President.

  • Kamala Harris has a strong record on climate action, is motivated by a deep sense of justice, and has significant skills as a prosecutor.

  • A Harris victory would mean optimism for the future of climate action and environmental policies.


A July 23, 2024 article in the New York Times also explores Can Kamala Harris Finish Biden's Climate Agenda?

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Rick Bonetti
Sep 14

On September 6, 2024, Bill McKibben wrote in the Guardian: "If we elect Donald Trump, we may feel the effects not for years, and not for a generation. We may read our mistake in the geological record a million years hence. This one really counts."

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