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Faith Climate Action Week 2023

Rick Bonetti

Oregon Interfaith Power and Light (OIPL) is making plans for next year's Earth Day April 22, 2023 and Faith Climate Action Week April 14 - 23, 2023.

"Faith Climate Action Week is IPL’s annual program of climate-themed worship services and sermons that spans ten days of activities in celebration of Earth Month. This is IPL’s premier event to create a mass movement of people of faith and conscience preaching, teaching, and acting to heal the climate."

"The theme of 2023’s Faith Climate Action Week is Living the Golden Rule: Just Transition to a Clean Energy Economy.” They will examine our responsibility to transition to energy sources that safeguard our common home, and how our faiths call us to respond with just solutions for all."

The kit will include an Action Guide with information on the faithful call to care for our neighbors by ensuring a just transition to a clean energy economy where the well-being of workers and frontline community members are prioritized."

"In the kit, there are suggested short films, an updated climate change fact sheet, faith-based discussion materials including a special multi-faith Golden Rule poster, and suggestions and resources for how to engage in supporting local action. Faith Climate Action Week 2023 online offerings include resources for sermons, talks, worship services, a film screening kit for the 2023 featured film, and more."

"As people of faith and conscience, we are called to ensure a just transition and create a life-giving economy and society where the interconnected community of all life can thrive in a safe climate." ~ Interfaith Power & Light

OIPL is an EMO project that "engages the faith community to strive for accountability in our individual and collective energy decisions in an interdependent world."


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