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February 2025 Eco-Spiritual Calendar

Rick Bonetti

Updated: Feb 5

Here's a list of some upcoming online and Rogue Valley in-person, eco-spiritual activities that may be of interest to you. Check back, as this post will be updated during February as we get additional information, and a new calendar listing will come out in March 2025. Don't be intimidated by the scope of this list; choose to participate in what calls to you.

February 1-7, 2025 - The annual UN observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week was first proposed at the UN General Assembly in 2010. The World Interfaith Harmony Week is based on the pioneering work of The Common Word initiative. "World Interfaith Harmony Week provides a platform—one week in a year—when all interfaith groups and other groups of goodwill can show the world what a powerful movement they are. The thousands of events organized by these groups often go unnoticed not only by the general public, but also by other groups themselves. This week will allow for these groups to become aware of each other and strengthen the movement by building ties and avoiding duplicating each others’ efforts. Events are centered on common fundamental religious commandments: Love of God, Love of Neighbor; and Love of the Good. This formula includes all people of goodwill. It includes those of other faiths, and those with no faith."

In conjunction with World Interfaith Harmony Week the Charter for Compassion is having a 14-day journey of Living Wisdom: Meditations and Practices for a Compassionate Life.

February 4, 2025, at 6 a.m. PT - The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) will be having a virtual event with Dr. James Hansen entitled Global Warming Has Accelerated: An Intimate Conversation with Leading Climate Scientists. This is billed as  a "discussion on groundbreaking research that reveals the unexpected drivers behind the recent unprecedented rise in global temperatures." Register here.

February 5, 2025, at 3 p.m. PT - Unity Earth 2025, as a part of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, partnered with IAMC and The Interfaith 'Ohana of Hawai'i to bring Ancient Sacred Traditions: Healing Wisdom for Modern Times - an event featuring leaders from Indigenous nations who will share the healing wisdom of their ancient traditions. Here's the Zoom Link:

February 5, 2025, at 4:30 p.m. PT - The BTS Center is offering Lament with Earth, the third of five seasonal programs created in collaboration with The Many, "to hold contemplative space for grief in community with music, poetry. Learn more and register

February 6, 2025, from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Chaplincy Innovation Lab is offering a Zoom webinar Spiritual Care by and for the Spiritually / Religiously Unaffiliated

Register here if you are a subscriber.

February 10, 2025-March 17, 2025, Mondays 9-11 a.m. PT - ProSocial World is offering A free six-week online seminar led by Raj Sisodia and David Sloan Wilson: From Friedman to Darwin: An Evolving Paradigm for Economics, Business, and Management. "This graduate level seminar is an exploration of paradigm change in economics, business, and management. In contrast to the current dominant paradigm, exemplified by Milton Friedman’s profit maximization model, the new paradigm is based on evolutionary science; hence our title “From Friedman to Darwin.” Register here.

February 10 & 17, 2025, from 4-6 p.m. PT - Center for Christogenesis is presenting in two session on Zoom Ilia Delio speaking on Old God, New God: New Theologies. Register here.

February 13, 2025, at 4 p.m. PST - Faith in Place's montly call will be on the hot topic: Geothermal Solutions for the Midwest February. Learn how tapping into the Earth's heat can help combat climate change and advance just and sustainable energy solutions. Hear from experts including Ashley Besic from Building Decarbonization Coalition. Register here. If you missed their January Monthly Call: 2025 Climate Outlook or wish to rewatch the session, the recording is now available.

February 21-23, 2025 - Citizens Climate Lobby is having their Greater Pacific Northwest Regional Conference in Vancouver, WA: Cultivating Climate Champions. This is "an intensive learning and sharing experience for new and experienced CCLers alike. You’ll get a chance to hear in-depth about the policies CCL advocates for, build your skills, and connect with your fellow advocates." Register here.

February 28, 2025 - last day to apply for Seeds of Radical Renewal - a new hybrid in-person and online leadership course offered by Emergent Magazine from August 6 – September 28, 2025, with in person September 25-28, 2025 meeting at Whidbey Institute, Clinton, WA. Their intent is to facilitate "a deeper immersion into the practical application of spiritual ecology and adaptive leadership. This course will introduce emerging leaders to the values of renewal, reciprocity, and reverence in building relationships with human and more-than-human communities and offer mentoring on applying those values to real-world projects." More information and registration here.

March - October 2025, at various days and times - The BTS Center is offering Walking the Wild Edges: Spiritual Accompaniment Circles for Challenging Times, monthly online gatherings plus an optional half-day retreat guided by skilled facilitators and open to spiritual seekers of all kinds. Learn more and register

March 16, 2025, from 1-4 p.m. PT - Ecumenical Ministies of Oregon’s annual Interfaith Earth Summit will take place in communities across Oregon on March 16. With a focus on climate safety and health, learn how we can work together to protect our community from climate change. This gathering is both in-person and on Zoom, held simultaneously with other communities across the state. Sign up at

March 27, 2025 - EcoAmerica and Blessed Tomorrow are organizing a National Faith + Climate Forum. Congregartions are invited to register as a host location by Thursday, March 17, 2025. Learn what hosting entailsBlessed Tomorrow provides hosts with: On-site and Technical Checklists, Participation Guides, Promotional Support, Registration Management, Event Platform.

April 25, 2025, from 3:30-7:00 p.m. - Earth Day at SOU at the Farm.

May 2-4, 2025 - Center for Christogenesis’ upcoming annual conference, Rethinking Religion in an Age of Science: From Institution to Evolution. This virtual event will explore "how a renewed understanding of religion can invigorate planetary life and human evolution in our age of technology." Speakers will include Bayo Akomolafe, Diana Butler Bass, Ilia Delio, John Haught, Grace Ji-Sun Kim, and Thomas Jay Oord. More information here.

May 28–June 2, 2025 - The Haden Institute is having their 2025 Summer Dream & Spirituality Conference: Sacred Cosmos, Sacred Soul in Asheville, NC and virtually. Apply here.

This Conference will offer “a new framework for thinking about God, religion, and spirituality in an age of quantum physics and evolution – one that transcends the obstacles of dogmas in religious traditions. Ilia Delio, author of The Not-Yet God, offers a way forward for a vision of God and the Cosmos that is deeply satisfying for both the mind and the heart. She engages the insights of Carl Jung, the Jesuit scientist-theologian Teilhard de Chardin, and process thinkers.”

“At the 2025 Haden Summer Dream and Spirituality Conference, we will explore the insights of Jung’s analytical psychology, modern science, and ancient mysticism. Dream work, contemplative practices, rituals, and creative embodiment will ground these insights into a personal and practical spirituality of love and connection to the whole of the Cosmos.”

September 2025 to June 2026 - The Center for Wild Spirituality is now making plans for their Seminary of the Wild Earth program (their foundational, year-long, eco-spirituality certificate) and their Vocational Eco-Spirituality certificate (specializing in Eco-Spiritual Direction or as a Wild Guide) . Click here to join the waitlist for their 2025 cohort.


Rogue Valley Voice aggregates and curates information from many third-party sources and does not necessarily endorse all aspects of others' work. Still, we find their viewpoint provocative and interesting enough to encourage the reader to engage with and come to their understanding and actions, as they deem appropriate.



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