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Interfaith Earthkeepers

Rick Bonetti

Updated: May 9, 2022

Eugene/Springfield Interfaith Earthkeepers is a coalition of Eugene communities of faith in Eugene, Oregon who:

  • celebrate the beauty of land, sea and sky

  • speak up for the powerless and endangered

  • participate in the repair and regeneration of every place

  • activate communities of conscience to serve and keep our sacred Planet

Interfaith Earthkeepers offers a website, Facebook Page, Twitter posts, monthly meetings on zoom, meeting minutes archives, news blog posts, podcasts, videos, links to related organizations, lifestyle strategies, recycling solutions, local healthy food resources, funds to offset carbon footprints and more.

Representatives from member communities connect Earthkeeper work to action teams in their home faith community. Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month. The 13 member faith communities take turns hosting,

The Call:

"The health of human communities is dependent upon the health of every interlocking piece of creation: the forests, plains and oceans and all the creatures that inhabit them. Let us go forward to live in right relationship with the whole of creation."

Eugene also has an active group.


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