What is the most effective actions that one can take to address the climate crisis? Katherine Hayhoe says "just talk about it."
"Getting started can be as easy as getting people talking. Watching a brief video and then engaging in discussion is a great first step.” ~ Jim Antal
For churches, Antal recommended a series of nine videos, each 5 to 6 minutes long. They feature climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, one of the American Climate Leadership Summit’s keynote speakers — and herself an evangelical Christian. The topics of the videos range from what the Bible says about the natural world, to how to talk to people with different opinions about climate change, to why “it is not too late” to slow the global rise in temperature."
Here are some video links to get us going:
Katharine Hayhoe https://youtu.be/-BvcToPZCLI
TearFund https://www.tearfund.org
A Rocha https://www.arocha.org/en/
Climate Stewards https://www.climatestewards.org
Plant with Purpose https://plantwithpurpose.org
Operation Noah https://operationnoah.org