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Living Earth Movement

Rick Bonetti

John B. Cobb Jr., is convinced that "humanity’s most urgent task is to live in harmony with and, thereby, preserve the ecosphere on which it depends for its continued existence." So, in February 2022 – the month he turned 97 – he helped to launch the Living Earth Movement. He was "troubled by the way in which the American goal to control the planet was (in a sense rightly) regognizing China as its greatest obstacle."

According to their website: "The mission of the Living Earth Movement is twofold. The short-term priority is to get the U.S. and China to cooperate for the sake of all life on this planet. The second and equally important priority is to promote the foundations for a new kind of civilization in which humans would learn to value and cooperate with the rest of the ecosphere."

"We need a world in which humans understand themselves as part of a living earth community. We call this an ecological civilization." ~ John Cobb

For more information on ecological civilization and the formation of the Living Earth Movement read John Cobb and Jeff Well's booklet Is International Cooperation Possible? A Bold Appeal for a Living Earth. Download it here. Check out their Facebook page for information on upcoming presentations and activities.

David C. Korten, a member of the Club of Rome, has also written an important 2021 white paper on ecological civilization.

"Continued human viability depends on Emergency action to stop the damage, facilitate Earth’s healing, and advance the Emergence of an Ecological Civilization." ~ David Korten

Center for Process Studies has a list of partner organizations promoting process thought around the world. Here are some more links:

Claremont School of Theology - a progressive inter-religious theology school

California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) - offering 33 graduate and undergraduate programs and certificates in psychology, philosophy, psychedelic therapies, human sexuality, consciousness

CIIS’ Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness (PCC) - dedicated to shaping the leadership necessary for profound, progressive transformation of social institutions and individual consciousness

Process and Faith - a multi-faith network for the common good

Center for Christogenesis - seeks to deepen Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s integration of science and spirituality by providing insights and practices to enkindle awareness of love at the heart of reality.

Center for Ecozoic Studies - an education, imagination, dialogue, and action center for an ecological age.

Center for Open and Relational Theology - a nonprofit organization that promotes and serves as a hub for people and organizations promoting open and relational theologies

Church for Our Common Home - "a non-profit that provides artistic, religious, and psychological services to awaken to the moral and ecologic crisis as an invitation for spiritual growth and creating loving community with all of creation, caring for our common home, Mother Earth." They are located in Dallas Oregon near Salem.

Earth Charter - turning conscience into action

Emerge - a social systems change initiative led by Perspectiva

Flagstaff College - a small, innovative, upper-division college located in Flagstaff, Arizona,

Gonzaga University - a private Jesuit university in Spokane, Washington.

Homebrewed Christianity - a podcast series established by process theologian Tripp Fuller

Institute for American Religious and Philosophical Thought (IARPT) - a community of productive scholars with diverse theological and philosophical perspectives.

Institute for Ecological Civilization - Organized by Philip Claton IEC works internationally to support systemic approaches to long-term sustainability by developing collaborations among government, business, and religious leaders and among scholars, activists, and policymakers."

Institute for Postmodern Development of China (IPDC) - aims to create and promote new modes of development in China and the West.

International Process Network (IPN) - a network of organizations and individuals dedicated to supporting, generating, and disseminating an international discourse on the meaning and implications of process thought.


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