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Making Spaces For Climate Action

Rick Bonetti

Rev. Richenda Fairhurst's zoom Climate Cafe Multifaith gathering on October 18, 2022 featured Robert J. Shields talking about Making Spaces for Climate Action.

Shields is a Bahai engaged in organizing Future Cities in Alaska - "reimagining local and global cities with renewable power and sovereign food-systems that root from the local community."

Collective Sun has the vision to empower non-profit, tax-exempt, and mission-driven organizations with the ability to access clean, renewable energy solutions." They "engage value-aligned capital to address social and environmental challenges."

Shields and the Alliance for Reason and Knowledge (A.R.K.) organized the Future Cities Tour on October 2, 2022 in Fairbanks Alaska. DiscoverE's Future City is an international, project-based engineering program that challenges middle school students to imagine, design and build cities of the future. The 2022-2023 theme is The Climate Change Challenge. The Future City Competition is "a hands-on STEM program that will create lasting learning, collaborative skills, creative and critical thinking"; registration closes October 31, 2022.

"Not only is change difficult, but there are many actions to take, everything from community solar, to housing and hospitality, to land restoration, organizing, urban farming, national and local legislation, emergency management and …climate touches everything." ~ Rev. Richenda Fairhurst



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