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Parliament of the World’s Religions

Rick Bonetti

Updated: Nov 27, 2022

The 7th Parliament of the World’s Religions was held from November 1-7, 2018, in Toronto, Canada. The theme was The Promise of Inclusion & the Power of Love.

The Parliament of the World’s Religions creates the opportunity for people of faith and conscience from around the world to assemble and to hear from wisdom leaders, which in the past have included His Holiness the Dalai Lama, President Nelson Mandela, President Jimmy Carter, and UN Messenger of Peace Dr. Jane Goodall.

Over the years more than 50,000 participants from 200 unique spiritual backgrounds have traveled from more than 80 nations around the world to past Parliament conferences, bringing their attention and action together to dialogue, forge solutions and build networks of action.

“Open to anyone interested in experiencing a fresh and sometimes boundary-pushing multi-faith encounter, the Parliament leaves a lasting legacy of cooperation in its hosting cities and changes the lives of all who are drawn into attendance— this extends into the spheres that are also represented in the Parliament, including academia, government, media, business, NGO leadership, and grassroots activism.”

The world’s oldest and most diverse global interfaith event marks its 125-year anniversary in 2018 by bringing together leaders and followers of more than 200 spiritual and secular traditions to “pursue global understanding, reconciliation, and change” in the world’s most culturally diverse city. More than 12,000 delegates are expected to convene in Toronto later this year.

“The Parliament of the World’s Religions is an international, non-sectarian, non-profit organization, established in 1988 to host the 1993 Parliament of the World’s Religions. The international office of the Parliament of the World’s Religions is located in Chicago, Illinois.

Its periodic Parliaments and ongoing initiatives cultivate harmony among the world’s religious and spiritual communities and foster engagement with the world and its guiding institutions in order to achieve a just, peaceful, and sustainable world.”

Image Credit: Photo of Basilica de Notre Dame, Montreal, Canada by Diego Delso,, License CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikipedia


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