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Signals of Hope

Rick Bonetti

Updated: Jul 29, 2022

Amid all the discouraging reporting from mainstream media there are still "Signals of Hope" about climate change if you look for them:

  • "pushes good journalism and science into public discussion and public policy on environmental health issues, including climate change."

  • "amplifies the stories that really matter" such as Climate Change Good News.

  • reports Positive News such as All the Positive Environmental Stories from 2022 So Far.

  • reports 12 Good News Stories About Climate Change (2022)

  • Positive.News publishes What Went Right This Week: Signs of Climate Progress.

  • PBS NewsHour noted that over 1,900 local TV meteorologists are now regularly addressing the impacts of climate change in their weather reports due to service called Climate Matters which provides a weekly package featuring the latest vetted climate science, along with broadcast-ready graphics.

  • Wired reports some positive news about climate change.

  • World Wildlife Federation offers Good News About Climate Change.

  • With and investment of $1.1 billion from John and Ann Doerr, along with gifts from other philanthropists Stanford University will launch a new School of Sustainability in September 2022.

  • In 2021, with almost $2.5 billion in new pledged support, Climate Investment Funds launched two major new programs: Accelerating Coal Transition and Renewable Energy Integration.

  • in 2021 President Joe Biden reintroduced the U.S.A. back into the 2015 Paris Climate accord. The Biden administration launched the National Climate Action Taskforce. Last year's $1.2 trillion infrastructure package has billions for climate tech, and new rules on offshore wind development, worker heat protection standards and vehicle fuel economy.

  • In February 2021 Jeff Bezos committed $10 billion to address climate change.

  • In February 2021 Bill Gates wrote How to Avoid a Climate Disaster and the Gates Foundation began funding research into various technologies that could aid in the fight to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  • In April 2021 Elon Musk announced he is funding a $100 million X-prize for carbon removal technology.

  • In May 2021 shareholders of Exxon Mobil elected two board members nominated by by investors who pledged to steer the company toward cleaner energy and away from oil and gas.

  • In 2021 at COP26 in Glasgow countries came back and made commitments to limit deforestation, methane and overseas coal finance.

  • At COP26 144 countries made commitments to stop deforestation and $19.2 billion was pledged to that end.

  • In 2021 155 countries submitted new NDCs; 83 countries announces net-zero targets; G7 + China committed to halt overseas finance for coal according to the World Resources Institute.

  • In 2021 1,000+ cities committed to net zero.

  • In 2021 2,000+ companies have set science-based targets; climate tech investments reached $43 billion.

  • There is exponential growth in electric vehicles and transportation accounts for 24% of energy-related CO2 emissions.

  • The Covid-19 pandemic has brought us closer to understanding the impact of zoonotic spillover caused by deforestation, wildlife trade and population growth and there is a shift from reaction to prevention.

  • Frontline communities, particularly in lower income countries and among BIPOC people most effected by climate change, are increasingly raising their voices about climate justice and taking local actions. There is a shift in framing the problem not just about carbon but on loss, damage and people.


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