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Today is the Birthday of the World

Rick Bonetti

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year begins Sunday, September 25, 2022 at sundown, marking the start of 10 days of reflection and prayer, ending in Yom Kippur’s rituals of atonement.

The primary purpose of repentance in Judaism is ethical self transformation.

Rabbi Sharon Brous said in an On Being interview by Krista Tippett: “Part of the challenge of High Holy Days is to… bring people to one momentary understanding of the fragility of life. But to take that and to leave with a commitment to live a life in which they’re able to transform themselves and their relationships and the world, knowing that every day they have might be their last.”

“Today is the birthday of the world” may be interpreted as a literal declaration of Rosh Hashanah, but it is also a call to remember that “each one of us participats in creation every single day, when we make a choice about how we want to live in the world.”

Tikkun (the prophetic Jewish, interfaith & secular voice to heal and transform the world) is conducting High Holidays September 25-27, 2022 on Zoom for Rosh Hashanah and on October 4-5, 2022 on Zoom for Yom Kippur.

Register here. (*see Note below)

Cat Zavis, Rabbi Michael Lerner, and Ami Goodman will lead through much of the traditional high holiday prayers. And they will share reflections on God, and the connection between Jewish theology and the pressing political, social, and economic issues of our time. Ami Goodman will provide musical inspiration. Guest teachers will include Bill McKibben, Letty Cottin Pogregin, Noam Chomsky and Cecelia Wambach.

"We can heal, repair, and transform ourselves, our society, and the life support system of planet earth." ~ The central message of Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur:

*Note: You can join Tikkun as a member or join them for the High Holidays. If you've been donating on a monthly basis to Tikkun or Beyt Tikkun, please contact Alden via email or phone for a personal registration link. There are three ways to pay to do so. After you donate online, you will be automatically redirected to the High Holiday registration page to receive the Zoom link, schedule, and a guide to our approach to individual and societal transformation.

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