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  • InterSpiritual Unity Consciousness

    Father Thomas Keating Father Thomas Keating (1923-2018) had a prophetic vision of Oneness as both an inner state of consciousness and an outer pathway of planetary healing. Cynthia Bourgeault's 2024 book, Thomas Keating: The Making of a Modern Christian Mystic , describes Keating as " one of the key innovators of the meditative practice of Centering Prayer - a powerful on-ramp to the Christian contemplative tradition." Here is a link to a YouTube video of a conversation between Cynthia Bourgeault and David Frenette, two long-time friends and students of Thomas Keating team about: "the difference between union and unity; nondual consciousness; the Christian experience of nonduality; Fr. Thomas’ own evolution on the spiritual journey and how that can be an inspiration for ordinary Centering Prayer practitioners; Bernadette Roberts and the no-self state; the transforming possibilities in illness; and more." On March 7, 2025, from 6:30 a.m. PT to 3 p.m. PT the Garrison Institute is having a day-long symposium "to explore and celebrate the spiritual legacy of Father Thomas Keating: Trappist monk, enlightened spiritual master, founder of the Centering Prayer movement, and a pillar of contemplative inter-spiritual dialogue. The symposium will weave together teaching, practice, panel discussions, and provocative immersion sessions as we dive deeply into Fr. Thomas’ prophetic vision of Oneness as both an inner state of consciousness and an outer pathway of planetary healing." Register here for virtual access ($139) Father Keating was instrumental in the interfaith movement, founding Snowmass Interreligious Conference was held from 1984 until 2015 at the St. Benedict's Monastary  in Snowmass, Colorado. The Conference invited "deep practitioners" from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Native American, and Islamic traditions to compare notes, connect, and clarify. One result has been to distill out eight profound points of agreement shared by each of the participants: The world religions bear witness to the experience of Ultimate Reality, to which they give various names. Ultimate Reality cannot be limited by any name or concept. Ultimate Reality is the ground of infinite potentiality and actualization. Faith is opening, accepting, and responding to Ultimate Reality. Faith in this sense precedes every belief system. The potential for human wholeness - or, in other frames of reference, enlightenment, salvation, transcendence, transformation, blessedness - is present in every human being. Ultimate Reality may be experienced not only through religious practices, but also through nature, art, human relationships, and service to others. As long as the human condition is experienced as separate from Ultimate Reality, it is subject to ignorance and illusion, weakness and suffering. Discliplined practice is essential to the spiritual life; yet spiritual attainment is not the result of one's own efforts, but the result of  the experience of oneness  with Ultimate Reality. Until 2006, few people even knew about these Conferences, so the publication of The Common Heart, An Experience of Interreligious Dialogue , was "a great gift to the world in providing a window into this rarefied spiritual think tank." With a forward by Ken Wilbur, the book Includes the thoughts of eight participants: Fr. Thomas Keating, Roshi Bernie Glassman, Swami Atmarupananda, Dr. Ibrahim Gamard, Imam Bilal Hyde, Pema Chödrön, Rabbi Henoch Dov Hoffman, and Grandfather Gerald Red Elk. Initiated in 2016, with the blessing of Father Thomas Keating, the Charis Snowmass Dialogues  continue the spirit of the original Snowmass Interreligious Dialogues. These week-long, invitation only dialogue-retreats are held in a relaxed contemplative atmosphere with an intimate group of twelve teachers, thinkers, and practitioners from diverse backgrounds. Each dialogue highlights an aspect of spiritual life, with topics such as The Future of Religion, Spiritual Practice, The New Monastery, Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Community. The   Dawn of Interspirituality Conference  in 2013 brought together a reunion of attendees from 30 years of the Snowmass Interreligious Conference. When asked about   the difference between the interfaith movement and interspirituality, Kurt Johnson, co-author of The Coming Interspiritual Age (2013), said: “Interfaith is really a horizontal dialogue across fixed positions in the interest of understanding and tolerance and dialogue. Interspirituality is going into this deep space in the heart and consciousness that underpins everything as one thing." Ed Bastian's Spiritual Paths Institute in Santa Barbara offers interspiritual Meditation Course - a "7-step process from the world’s great contemplative traditions." The United Religions Initiative (URI) "promotes enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence, and to create cultures of peace, justice, and healing for the Earth and all living beings." The Interfaith Observer  (TIO )  is now based in the Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement  (CEIE) at Seattle University, alongside CEIE’s Theolab, Religica . Integral Christian Network , "a global community of dedicated mystical practitioners for the loving evolution of Christianity and the world" offers "WeSpace o nline groups of mystical practice participating in embodied awakening, in devotion and engagement with divine presence: Jesus, spiritual guides, and one another.." #Interspiritual #Interfaith #ThomasKeating #CenteringPrayer #SnowmassInterReligiousConference #TIO #CEIE #Religica #URI #meditation #IntegralChristianNetwork

  • March 2025 Eco-Spiritual Calendar

    A Participatory Cosmos - from Center for Christogenesis Here's a list of some upcoming online and Rogue Valley in-person, eco-spiritual activities that may be of interest to you. Check back, as this post will be updated during March as we get additional information, and a new calendar listing will come out in April 2025. Don't be intimidated by the scope of this list; choose to participate in just what calls to you. March 4, 11, 18, 25, 2025, at 4 p.m. PT - Convergence and Creation Spirituality Communities are presenting a four-part webinar "to explore the deep spiritual roots of this political moment and uncover pathways toward collective action, resilience, and renewal": From Darkness to Dawn: Spiritual Courage and Political Action in the Age of MAGA .  This transformative 4-part series will bring together some of the most provocative spiritual leaders, thinkers, and activists of our time: Matthew Fox, Andrew Harvey, Mirabai Starr, Yvette Flunder, and Cameron Trimble. Click here for more information and registration. March 7, 2025 , from 6:30 a.m. 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. PT - Garrison Institute  is having a day-long symposium "to explore and celebrate The Spiritual Legacy of Father Thomas Keating, who was a Trappist monk, enlightened spiritual master, founder of the Centering Prayer movement, and a pillar of contemplative inter-spiritual dialogue. The symposium will weave together teaching, practice, panel discussions, and provocative immersion sessions as we dive deeply into Fr. Thomas’s prophetic vision of Oneness as both an inner state of consciousness and an outer pathway of planetary healing." Morning & midday Immersion Sessions include: The Spirit of the Snowmass Interreligious Conference and Making a New World: Voices from the Younger Generation and an optional centering prayer from 9 to 9:30 a.m. PT   Register here   for virtual access ($139) March - October 2025 , at various days and times - The   BTS Center   is offering Walking the Wild Edges: Spiritual Accompaniment Circles for Challenging Times ,   monthly online gatherings plus an optional half-day retreat guided by skilled facilitators and open to spiritual seekers of all kinds. Learn more and register March 16, 2025 , from 1-4 p.m. PT - Ecumenical Ministies of Oregon’ s annual Interfaith Earth Summit  will have a focus on climate safety and health, learn how we can work together to protect our community from climate change. This gathering is both in-person and on Zoom, held simultaneously with other communities across the state. Sign up at The Church for our Common Home  at 15436 Strong Road, Dallas, OR is an " internet/radio blog church dedicated to AWE, Art, the Wisdom teachings of Christ-Sophia and the EARTH." Rev. Bonnie Tarwater announced she will commemorate the opening of their new labyrinth at 4 p.m. on March 16th, following their participation in the Earth Summit . March 19, 2025 - Center for Christogenesis is presenting a webinar with philosopher and process thinker Matthew David Segall: Science and Religion in a Paticipatory Universe. This talk explores the evolving relationship between natural science and theology through the lens of process philosophy, arguing that both disciplines—often seen as conflicting ways of knowing and worldviews—can be reframed and integrated within a participatory understanding of the cosmos. More information and registration here. March 27, 2025  - EcoAmerica   and Blessed Tomorrow  are organizing a   National Faith + Climate Forum .   Congregartions are invited to register as a host location by Thursday, March 17, 2025 . Learn what hosting entails !   Blessed Tomorrow provides hosts with: On-site and Technical Checklists, Participation Guides, Promotional Support, Registration Management, Event Platform. April 25, 2025 , from 3:30-7:00 p.m. - Earth Day at SOU  at the Farm. May 2-4, 2025  - Center for Christogenesis ’ upcoming annual conference, Rethinking Religion in an Age of Science: From Institution to Evolution . This virtual event will explore "how a renewed understanding of religion can invigorate planetary life and human evolution in our age of technology." Speakers will include Bayo Akomolafe , Diana Butler Bass ,  Ilia Delio,   John Haught , Grace Ji-Sun Kim , and Thomas Jay Oord .   More information here. May 28–June 2, 2025  - The Haden Institute  is having their   2025 Summer Dream & Spirituality Conference :   Sacred Cosmos, Sacred Soul   in Asheville, NC and virtually. Apply here . This Conference will offer “a new framework for thinking about God, religion, and spirituality in an age of quantum physics and evolution – one that transcends the obstacles of dogmas in religious traditions. Ilia Delio, author of The Not-Yet God , offers a way forward for a vision of God and the Cosmos that is deeply satisfying for both the mind and the heart. She engages the insights of Carl Jung, the Jesuit scientist-theologian Teilhard de Chardin, and process thinkers.” “At the 2025 Haden Summer Dream and Spirituality Conference, we will explore the insights of Jung’s analytical psychology, modern science, and ancient mysticism. Dream work, contemplative practices, rituals, and creative embodiment will ground these insights into a personal and practical spirituality of love and connection to the whole of the Cosmos.” June 7-8, 2025 - Aspen Wisdom is organizing a forum: The Aspen Initiative: Discovering the Wisdom We Need to Serve Our Future , to help us answer the question: How do we respond to the time we are living through? September 2025 to June 2026 - The Center for Wild Spirituality is now making plans for their Seminary of the Wild Earth  program (their foundational, year-long, eco-spirituality certificate) and their Vocational Eco-Spirituality  certificate (specializing in Eco-Spiritual Direction or as a Wild Guide) . Click here  to join the waitlist for their 2025 cohort. Rogue Valley Voice aggregates and curates information from many third-party sources and does not necessarily endorse all aspects of others' work. Still, we find their viewpoint provocative and interesting enough to encourage the reader to engage with and come to their understanding and actions, as they deem appropriate. #EarthDay #BTSCenter #Convergence #CreationSpirituality #EcoAmerica # EcumenicalMinistiesof Oregon #CenterforChristogenesis # ChurchforourCommonHome #HadenInstitute #AspenWisdom # CenterforWildSpirituality #IliaDelio #CarlJung #SOCAN

  • Not Talking about Climate Change

    Reference to "Climate Change" is being scrubbed from Federal government websites. Politico reported on January 31, 2025 that according to an internal USDA email "employees have been ordered to delete landing pages discussing climate change across agency websites and document climate change references for further review." noted " The move could lead to the deletion of information from the Forest Service , Rural Housing and Utility Services , Natural Resources Conservation Service , and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture , among other subagencies. The memo has also circulated to the EPA, according to reporting by Jacobin . The website for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states it's mission is "to protect human health and the environment," but it has no metion of climate change. But the EPA still says it "partners with more than 50 data contributors from various government agencies, academic institutions, and other U.S and international organizations to compile a key set of i ndicators related to the causes and effects of climate change ." The EPA has the following links to "learn more about greenhouse gas emissions , including sources, trends, and key findings and data": Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks repor t Inflation Reduction Act Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Climate Change Research EPA’s 2024-2027 Climate Adaptation Plan EPA's 2021 Climate Adaptation Plan (pdf) (2.31 MB, October 2021, 231-R-210-01) EPA's 2014 Climate Adaptation Plan (pdf) (12.44 MB, June 2014, EPA 100-K-14-001) EPA's 2013 Climate Change Adaptation Plan (pdf) (11.93 MB, June 2013) EPA's 2012 Climate Change Adaptation Plan (pdf) (1.11 MB, June 29, 2012) The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) " provides timely and authoritative scientific data and information about climate science, adaptation, and mitigation." The NOAA still has a Global Climate Dashboard. The NOAA Facebook page still lists the following Essential Principles Scientists understand the climate system through interdisciplinary observations and modeling. (Oct. 29, 2024) Greenhouse gases shape Earth’s Climate (November 4, 2024) Burning fossil fuels and other human activities are causing the planet to warm (November 12, 2024) Rapid warming and other large-scale climate changes threaten human and ecological systems (November 19, 2024) Climate justice is possible if climate actions are equitable (November 15, 2024) Humans can adapt social, built, and natural environments to better wioststand the impacts of climate change (December 4, 2024) Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities to net zero by 2050 can help limit global warming and climate change impacts. (December 7, 2024) A livable and sustainable future for all is possible with rapid, just and transformational climate action. (December 17, 2024) Other institutions are also adjusting to the new administration's shift away from climate change. On February 6, 2025, Bloomberg reported that " The Federal Reserve has ended its program that required the biggest US banks to submit data for climate stress tests, according to people familiar with the matter." The six biggest US banks were participating in a pilot exercise which started in 2023, but "even before Trump returned to the White House, Fed Chair Jerome Powell had made clear he doesn’t consider climate a policy issue for the US central bank to focus on." In the meantime, several " banks in the EU commit to the climate group deserted by Wall Stree t ."

  • The Origins of Consciousness

    I understand the internet and ChatGPT as amazing expressions of the noosphere - the notion of an emerging global mind. ChatGPT is able to synthesize written knowledge and respond almost instantly to our questions. It is not always correct, but a good start! I am inclined to to follow pansychism and panentheistic thought. Ilia Delio, whom I have been reading recently, extends and reinterprets (through a lens of quantum physics) the earlier ideas of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, whose writings were published posthumously in 1955. A friend recently let me borrow book Julian Jaynes' 1976 book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind . so I asked ChatGPT "what is the current thinking about the origins of consciousness and the breakdown of the bicameral mind?" From ChatGPT4 : "The origins of consciousness and the breakdown of the bicameral mind are subjects that span multiple disciplines, from psychology and philosophy to neuroscience and anthropology. Below is an overview of the current thinking on both topics, drawing from modern theories and ideas. 1. The Origins of Consciousness Consciousness is often described as the state of being aware of and able to reflect upon one's thoughts, perceptions, and emotions. However, the origins of consciousness remain one of the most elusive problems in science. Here are some of the leading theories: Neuroscientific Theories : Integrated Information Theory (IIT) : Developed by Giulio Tononi, IIT suggests that consciousness arises when a system integrates information in a complex way. In this view, the brain’s interconnected networks process information in a unified manner, and the level of consciousness is related to the degree of this integration. Global Workspace Theory (GWT) : Proposed by Bernard Baars, GWT posits that consciousness results from the activation of a "global workspace" in the brain, where information from different cognitive processes is integrated and made available for higher-level functions like decision-making and problem-solving. Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR) : This hypothesis, put forward by Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff, suggests that consciousness arises from quantum processes in microtubules (structural components of neurons). It posits that quantum coherence in the brain could give rise to conscious experience, though this idea is controversial and not widely accepted. Evolutionary Theories : Consciousness may have evolved to help organisms navigate complex environments. The "Theory of Mind" suggests that awareness of one's own mental states and the ability to infer the thoughts of others (i.e., empathy and social cognition) were advantageous in evolutionary terms. Consciousness, in this sense, may have evolved to support more sophisticated social interactions and decision-making. Another view is that consciousness arose as an adaptive function to enhance an organism's ability to predict and plan for future events (what's often called "episodic memory" or "future simulation"). Philosophical Approaches : Dualism vs. Physicalism : Dualists, like René Descartes, argue that consciousness is a non-physical phenomenon, separate from the brain and body. Physicalists, however, contend that consciousness arises solely from the brain's neural activity. The debate remains unresolved but is central to understanding whether consciousness can be fully explained through material processes or requires some non-physical component. Panpsychism : Some philosophers propose that consciousness is not confined to humans or animals, but might be a fundamental property of all matter. Panpsychism suggests that even elementary particles could have a form of "proto-consciousness," with more complex forms of consciousness emerging as systems become more intricate. 2. The Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind The concept of the "bicameral mind" comes from the work of psychologist Julian Jaynes, who proposed in his 1976 book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind that early human beings did not have consciousness as we understand it today. According to Jaynes, in ancient times, the human mind was divided into two "chambers" (bicameral), with one part of the brain "speaking" (e.g., through auditory hallucinations) and the other "obeying." He suggested that ancient people perceived these voices as coming from gods or higher beings. Jaynes’ theory is controversial, but it has generated interest in both the anthropology of consciousness and the history of human cognition. According to Jaynes: Pre-conscious Humans : Ancient humans, especially before the development of language and complex symbolism, did not experience self-awareness or reflective thought in the way modern humans do. Instead, they experienced their inner thoughts as external commands or voices (likely auditory hallucinations). The Breakdown : Jaynes argued that the "bicameral mind" began to break down around 3,000 years ago, coinciding with the development of writing, complex societies, and increasingly sophisticated religious and philosophical systems. As these social and cognitive demands grew, people began to internalize their thoughts and reflect on them, which led to the development of modern, self-aware consciousness. Criticisms and Updates : Jaynes' theory has faced criticism from many scholars, particularly in its claim that consciousness arose so recently in human history and that it was so radically different in the past. Critics argue that evidence for widespread auditory hallucinations or a lack of self-awareness in ancient cultures is sparse. Additionally, advancements in the study of ancient texts, including literature, suggest that early humans likely possessed forms of reflective thought. Nonetheless, Jaynes' theory continues to inspire speculation about the cognitive shifts that may have accompanied the rise of complex culture and language. Neuroscientific Perspective : Modern neuroscientific research into the breakdown of the bicameral mind tends to focus on how the brain processes internal voices and auditory hallucinations. The auditory areas of the brain, particularly in the left hemisphere, are often activated in people who report hearing voices, whether in psychosis or altered states of consciousness. Some neuroscientists also examine how changes in social and environmental factors, like the advent of writing or urbanization, might have altered the ways in which people experience consciousness, memory, and self-reflection. 3. Recent Trends and Synthesis The "Social Brain" Hypothesis : The evolution of consciousness might be tightly linked to the evolution of social complexity. As human societies became more intricate, the ability to understand other people’s mental states and engage in complex social communication might have driven the development of higher-order reflective consciousness. This is often referred to as the "social brain hypothesis" or "mentalizing," which is the ability to think about others' thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Embodied and Enactive Cognition : More recently, theories of consciousness that emphasize the embodied and enactive nature of human experience have gained traction. These theories argue that consciousness is not just something that happens in the brain but is rooted in the body and in interactions with the environment. According to this view, consciousness is not just an abstract or internal process; it’s part of a dynamic interaction between the brain, the body, and the world. The Co-Evolution of Language and Consciousness : Some recent theories propose that language played a critical role in the emergence of modern consciousness. Language may have allowed for more complex, abstract thinking and helped people internalize their thoughts. As societies developed more complex forms of communication, people began to "talk to themselves," which could have contributed to the formation of reflective self-awareness. In Summary: Consciousness is still one of the most debated topics in science and philosophy, with theories ranging from neural network models to the role of language, social interaction, and even quantum mechanics. Theories like Integrated Information Theory (IIT) and Global Workspace Theory (GWT) are some of the most prominent current approaches. The breakdown of the bicameral mind —as proposed by Julian Jaynes—remains a fascinating but controversial hypothesis. It suggests that early humans experienced consciousness differently, perceiving their thoughts as external voices, which later gave way to modern self-awareness. While this theory has its critics, it offers a provocative lens through which to explore the evolution of the mind. In both areas, while progress is being made, many fundamental questions remain unanswered, and new discoveries in neuroscience, anthropology, and artificial intelligence may offer fresh insights into the nature and origins of consciousness." I then asked ChatGPT4: What does Ilia Delio write about the origins of consciousness and the breakdown of the bicameral mind? ChatGPT said: "Ilia Delio, a theologian and scholar known for her work on the intersection of science, religion, and philosophy, offers a perspective on the origins of consciousness that draws heavily on the insights of evolutionary biology, neuroscience, and spiritual theology. Delio is particularly interested in the interplay between the material and the spiritual, and she often engages with questions about human consciousness in the context of evolution and the cosmos. 1. Ilia Delio’s Views on the Origins of Consciousness Ilia Delio’s work is influenced by process theology (largely shaped by the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead), evolutionary thought , and cosmology , with a deep emphasis on the spiritual and theological dimensions of human experience. Here are some key elements of her thought on consciousness: Cosmic Evolution and Consciousness : Delio sees consciousness as a key aspect of cosmic evolution . She argues that consciousness is not a static or individual phenomenon but rather a cosmic unfolding . In her view, human consciousness is a continuation of the evolutionary process that emerges out of the universe's complexity . Consciousness, for Delio, is deeply interconnected with the emergence of life and the progression toward greater complexity and creativity in the universe. Delio suggests that human consciousness is emergent , meaning it arises from the intricate interaction of matter, energy, and life over billions of years. This cosmological view of consciousness implies that it is not merely a product of individual brain processes but a cosmic reality unfolding through time. Human self-awareness, for Delio, is the highest expression of this evolutionary process, and she often explores how this unfolds in relationship to God and the divine. Consciousness and the Divine : Drawing from a panentheistic view of God, Delio believes that God is present in the universe as it evolves, and consciousness is one of the ways in which the universe is able to reflect the divine. In this view, human consciousness participates in a divine intentionality , where the act of knowing and becoming conscious is not just a biological process but a spiritual and relational one . Delio suggests that the development of consciousness is both a biological and theological event, indicating that the human capacity for self-awareness is a way to know the divine and experience a deeper unity with creation. Interconnectedness of Being : Delio often underscores the idea that consciousness is not something isolated but part of a universal network of being . She refers to the work of Teilhard de Chardin , who envisioned the evolution of consciousness as a process toward greater unity and complexity . According to Teilhard and Delio, human consciousness is a reflection of this larger cosmic Christ , which Delio views as the ultimate expression of love and unity in the universe. 2. Ilia Delio’s Views on the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind While Ilia Delio does not explicitly focus on Julian Jaynes' theory of the bicameral mind as a central theme in her work, she does engage with ideas that are conceptually related to it, particularly in her discussions about the evolution of consciousness . There are a few points where Delio’s thoughts could be seen as engaging with or resonating with Jaynes' ideas: Emergence of Self-Awareness : In line with Jaynes’ notion that early humans experienced consciousness in a fundamentally different way (i.e., as a kind of external, authoritative voice or divine command), Delio explores the emergence of self-consciousness as a significant milestone in both biological and spiritual evolution. She does not adopt Jaynes' specific theory, but she shares the interest in the shift from a more automatic, unconscious mode of existence to the reflective, self-aware state that characterizes modern human consciousness. Integration of Mind and Spirit : Delio is interested in how consciousness has evolved to reflect deeper spiritual realities. While Jaynes described the breakdown of the bicameral mind as a cognitive shift that led to reflective consciousness, Delio sees this shift as part of a larger spiritual unfolding , where the human ability to reflect and engage in inner dialogue is part of a broader cosmic, spiritual process . The evolution of consciousness from a primitive state to one marked by self-awareness is, for Delio, a movement toward greater integration of mind and spirit , ultimately aiming for a higher unity with the divine. Spiritual Evolution : Delio often emphasizes the idea of spiritual evolution , where human consciousness progresses not just in intellectual or cognitive terms but also in spiritual depth and understanding . This view aligns somewhat with Jaynes' theory of the breakdown of the bicameral mind, in that she, too, sees consciousness as undergoing a major transformation over time. However, Delio would likely frame this shift not only in terms of cognitive function but also as a spiritual awakening —a movement toward greater awareness of the divine presence in the world. The Role of Language and Reflection : Delio’s work intersects with Jaynes’ idea of the role of language in the development of reflective consciousness. For Jaynes, the breakdown of the bicameral mind was linked to the advent of language and the need for humans to make sense of their inner thoughts. Delio similarly sees language and reflective consciousness as key to the evolution of human awareness , although she frames this within a larger cosmic narrative in which consciousness is not just a biological function but also a means of spiritual encounter. 3. Synthesis of Delio’s Ideas and Jaynes' Theory While Delio doesn't explicitly endorse or elaborate on Julian Jaynes' bicameral mind theory , her perspective on the evolution of consciousness shares some thematic overlaps: Both see consciousness as evolving over time, with the emergence of self-awareness as a significant turning point in human development. Both engage with the notion that consciousness was once more externally directed (whether through divine voices or an undifferentiated sense of self), but has since become more internally reflective . Delio's view extends this into a theological and cosmological narrative, suggesting that human consciousness is part of a divine, ongoing unfolding in the universe, moving towards greater complexity and unity with God, whereas Jaynes tends to frame the breakdown of the bicameral mind more in terms of psychological and sociocultural shifts. In summary, Ilia Delio approaches the origins of consciousness from a cosmological, evolutionary, and theological standpoint, seeing human consciousness as part of a larger divine process of becoming . She does not directly engage with Julian Jaynes' bicameral mind theory, but her thoughts on the evolution of self-awareness and the spiritual dimensions of consciousness could be seen as complementary to or resonant with some aspects of Jaynes’ work, particularly in how consciousness develops and shifts over time."

  • A World United: Exploring the Unknown Frontiers of Global Consciousness

    In today's fast-paced world, the dream of a connected global community is more than just an aspiration; it is a crucial requirement. Humanity stands at a critical point where technology and communication have the power to create true unity. This transformation urges us to develop a "communion consciousness"—an awakening that highlights our shared existence and the need for thoughtful reflection. By practicing meditation and mindfulness, we can enhance self-awareness, refine our spiritual values, and foster a more positive outlook on the world around us. The Fabric of Global Unity Navigating the complexities of modern life illuminates the necessity for a united community. The increasing interdependence of nations and cultures emphasizes the need for collaboration. For example, international organizations like the United Nations report that approximately 71% of the world's population now lives in interconnected urban areas , reinforcing that we are all linked in a tapestry of humanity. Seeing differences as sources of enrichment rather than division empowers us to create a global community. Each unique culture and tradition adds value, leading to a rich dialogue that promotes unity in diversity. When individuals celebrate one another's backgrounds, we not only learn from each other, but we also cultivate a more empathetic society. Communion Consciousness: A Call to Awareness At the core of this movement is the idea of communion consciousness. This mindset encourages us to connect on a spiritual level, fostering genuine relationships based on compassion and mutual respect. Exploring the essence of humanity transcends borders and fosters deeper understanding. To engage with this consciousness, we can use contemplative techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, and reflective writing. These practices allow us to achieve greater inner peace and awareness. As we understand ourselves better, our relationships with others will thrive. For instance, a study by the University of Massachusetts found that people who practice regular mindfulness report a 54% increase in their ability to empathize with others. A peaceful dawn illuminating a tranquil landscape Centering Spiritual Values In the chaos of daily life, it is crucial to refocus on our spiritual values. Adopting spiritual practices helps us align our actions with our core beliefs, forming a strong base for meaningful living. Values such as love, kindness, and justice will boost our resilience during tough times. Engaging in journaling, prayer, or simply spending time in nature can help reconnect us to the spiritual threads that unite us. Remember, spirituality can take many forms. Whether you find it in a moment of solitude or through communal rituals, each pathway brings us closer to understanding our role in the larger community. The Role of Contemplative Practices Contemplative practices are powerful tools for both personal growth and collective transformation. Through techniques such as meditation, we discover new ways of thinking that resonate within our communities. For example, the nonprofit organization Mindful Schools has taught over 30,000 children mindfulness skills , showing how impactful these practices can be on a broader scale. Engaging in contemplative practices also inspires a collective belief in positive change. This optimism can foster environments where collaboration flourishes. When we participate in meaningful activities, we promote a culture of unity, understanding, and empowerment. A tranquil lake reflecting a serene sky surrounded by lush vegetation The Optimism of a Transforming World When we wholeheartedly embrace the vision of a transformed world, hope becomes a centerpiece of our global consciousness. Hope reminds us that our future can differ from past struggles and can offer a fresh start. Research indicates that 75% of people believe positive social change is possible , demonstrating the potential for a hopeful global community. Recognizing our interconnected experiences allows us to draw strength from one another. By inspiring each other, we can take actions that uplift and empower our communities. When we unify our voices around mutual goals, transformative change becomes attainable. Creating a Global Community Building a strong global community is a journey that requires commitment from us all. Here are some steps that we can take to foster these connections: Engage in Active Listening : Create space for discussions where every voice is valued and contributes to a collective understanding. Practice Compassion : Extend kindness and empathy towards others, recognizing that everyone has a unique story to share. Get Involved in Collaborative Projects : Step into community service or global initiatives that align with your skills and passions. Celebrate Cultural Exchange : Embrace diverse art, music, storytelling, and traditions that highlight our global richness. By taking these steps, we cultivate a supportive environment that champions unity and resilience. A Future of Hope and Connection Humanity is on the brink of a significant transformation toward a communal consciousness. By recognizing our interconnectedness, we can become change agents and invite others to embark on this path with us. As we nurture our inner selves, we plant the seeds for unity and growth. This journey creates a space where hope can thrive, leading to a flourishing interconnectedness. Together, through shared visions and contemplative practices, we can work toward a brighter future that embodies the essence of a true global community. In our quest to explore the unknown frontiers of global consciousness, let us work to weave a new fabric of love, compassion, and solidarity for generations to come.

  • February 2025 Eco-Spiritual Calendar

    Here's a list of some upcoming online and Rogue Valley in-person, eco-spiritual activities that may be of interest to you. Check back, as this post will be updated during February as we get additional information, and a new calendar listing will come out in March 2025. Don't be intimidated by the scope of this list; choose to participate in what calls to you. February 1-7, 2025 - The annual UN observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week was first proposed at the UN General Assembly in 2010. The World Interfaith Harmony Week is based on the pioneering work of The Common Word initiative . "World Interfaith Harmony Week provides a platform—one week in a year—when all interfaith groups and other groups of goodwill can show the world what a powerful movement they are. The thousands of events organized by these groups often go unnoticed not only by the general public, but also by other groups themselves. This week will allow for these groups to become aware of each other and strengthen the movement by building ties and avoiding duplicating each others’ efforts. Events are centered on common fundamental religious commandments: Love of God, Love of Neighbor; and Love of the Good. This formula includes all people of goodwill. It includes those of other faiths, and those with no faith." In conjunction with World Interfaith Harmony Week the Charter for Compassion  is having a 14-day journey of Living Wisdom: Meditations and Practices for a Compassionate Life. February 4, 2025 , at 6 a.m. PT - The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) will be having a virtual event with Dr. James Hansen entitled Global Warming Has Accelerated: An Intimate Conversation with Leading Climate Scientists. This is billed as  a "discussion on groundbreaking research that reveals the unexpected drivers behind the recent unprecedented rise in global temperatures." Register here . February 5, 2025 , at 3 p.m. PT - Unity Earth 2025, as a part of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, partnered with IAMC and The Interfaith 'Ohana of Hawai'i to bring Ancient Sacred Traditions: Healing Wisdom for Modern Times - an event featuring leaders from Indigenous nations who will share the healing wisdom of their ancient traditions. Here's the Zoom Link: February 5, 2025 , at 4:30 p.m. PT - The BTS Center  is offering   Lament with Earth ,   the third of five seasonal programs created in collaboration with The Many , "to hold contemplative space for grief in community with music, poetry. Learn more and register February 6, 2025 , from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Chaplincy Innovation Lab is offering a Zoom webinar Spiritual Care by and for the Spiritually / Religiously Unaffiliated Register here if you are a subscriber. February 10, 2025-March 17, 2025 , Mondays 9-11 a.m. PT - ProSocial World is offering A free six-week online seminar led by Raj Sisodia and David Sloan Wilson: From Friedman to Darwin: An Evolving Paradigm for Economics, Business, and Management. " This graduate level seminar is an exploration of paradigm change in economics, business, and management. In contrast to the current dominant paradigm, exemplified by Milton Friedman’s profit maximization model, the new paradigm is based on evolutionary science; hence our title “From Friedman to Darwin.” Register here . February 10 & 17, 2025 , from 4-6 p.m. PT - Center for Christogenesis is presenting in two session on Zoom Ilia Delio speaking on Old God, New God: New Theologies . Register here . February 13, 2025 , at 4 p.m. PST - Faith in Place's montly call will be on the hot topic: Geothermal Solutions for the Midwest February. L earn how tapping into the Earth's heat can help combat climate change and advance just and sustainable energy solutions. Hear from experts including Ashley Besic from Building Decarbonization Coalition . Register here. If you missed their January Monthly Call: 2025 Climate Outlook or wish to rewatch the session, the recording is now available. February 21-23, 2025 - Citizens Climate Lobby is having their Greater Pacific Northwest Regional Conference in Vancouver, WA: Cultivating Climate Champions . This is "an intensive learning and sharing experience for new and experienced CCLers alike. You’ll get a chance to hear in-depth about the policies CCL advocates for, build your skills, and connect with your fellow advocates." Register here . February 28, 2025 - last day to apply for Seeds of Radical Renewal - a new hybrid in-person and online leadership course offered by Emergent Magazine from August 6 – September 28, 2025 , with in person September 25-28, 2025 meeting at Whidbey Institute , Clinton, WA. Their intent is to facilitate "a deeper immersion into the practical application of spiritual ecology and adaptive leadership. This course will introduce emerging leaders to the values of renewal, reciprocity, and reverence in building relationships with human and more-than-human communities and offer mentoring on applying those values to real-world projects." More information and registration here. March - October 2025 , at various days and times - The BTS Center is offering Walking the Wild Edges: Spiritual Accompaniment Circles for Challenging Times ,   monthly online gatherings plus an optional half-day retreat guided by skilled facilitators and open to spiritual seekers of all kinds. Learn more and register March 16, 2025 , from 1-4 p.m. PT - Ecumenical Ministies of Oregon’ s annual Interfaith Earth Summit will take place in communities across Oregon on March 16. With a focus on climate safety and health, learn how we can work together to protect our community from climate change. This gathering is both in-person and on Zoom, held simultaneously with other communities across the state. Sign up at March 27, 2025 - EcoAmerica and Blessed Tomorrow are organizing a National Faith + Climate Forum .   Congregartions are invited to register as a host location by Thursday, March 17, 2025 . Learn what hosting entails !  Blessed Tomorrow provides hosts with: On-site and Technical Checklists, Participation Guides, Promotional Support, Registration Management, Event Platform. April 25, 2025 , from 3:30-7:00 p.m. - Earth Day at SOU at the Farm. May 2-4, 2025 - Center for Christogenesis ’ upcoming annual conference, Rethinking Religion in an Age of Science: From Institution to Evolution . This virtual event will explore "how a renewed understanding of religion can invigorate planetary life and human evolution in our age of technology." Speakers will include Bayo Akomolafe , Diana Butler Bass , Ilia Delio, John Haught , Grace Ji-Sun Kim , and Thomas Jay Oord . More information here. May 28–June 2, 2025  - The Haden Institute  is having their   2025 Summer Dream & Spirituality Conference : Sacred Cosmos, Sacred Soul   in Asheville, NC and virtually. Apply here . This Conference will offer “a new framework for thinking about God, religion, and spirituality in an age of quantum physics and evolution – one that transcends the obstacles of dogmas in religious traditions. Ilia Delio, author of The Not-Yet God , offers a way forward for a vision of God and the Cosmos that is deeply satisfying for both the mind and the heart. She engages the insights of Carl Jung, the Jesuit scientist-theologian Teilhard de Chardin, and process thinkers.” “At the 2025 Haden Summer Dream and Spirituality Conference, we will explore the insights of Jung’s analytical psychology, modern science, and ancient mysticism. Dream work, contemplative practices, rituals, and creative embodiment will ground these insights into a personal and practical spirituality of love and connection to the whole of the Cosmos.” September 2025 to June 2026 - The Center for Wild Spirituality is now making plans for their Seminary of the Wild Earth  program (their foundational, year-long, eco-spirituality certificate) and their Vocational Eco-Spirituality  certificate (specializing in Eco-Spiritual Direction or as a Wild Guide) . Click here  to join the waitlist for their 2025 cohort. Rogue Valley Voice aggregates and curates information from many third-party sources and does not necessarily endorse all aspects of others' work. Still, we find their viewpoint provocative and interesting enough to encourage the reader to engage with and come to their understanding and actions, as they deem appropriate.

  • 2025 Project Drawdown Strategies

    In the YouTube video above, Project Drawdown Executive Director Jonathan Foley, Ph.D., discussed the importance of putting our energy toward new approaches and finding the right levers to solve climate change. He shared information on new leadership and new approaches, including: Steering away from a top-down geopolitical approach Prioritizing emergency brake solutions Geographically focusing action Enhancing health, well-being, equity, biodiversity, and the economy while also pursuing climate goals Here are the top takeaways from the webinar: Although we are already beginning to see setbacks for climate change action in the United States due to recent political changes, there are other levers we can pull to ensure we are continuing to reduce emissions and advance climate solutions. We need to combat misinformation and greenwashing so that we can direct resources to the most effective solutions currently on the market. Smarter, faster, and more targeted climate action is essential to meet global targets. Collaboration across sectors and geographies is key to accelerating progress.  We must consider (and prioritize) human wellbeing co-benefits when choosing climate solutions.  Hope is vital to making sure we reach our goals. The future depends on committed, inclusive efforts that are guided by science and data. Key links : Drawdown Foundations Drawdown Climate Solutions Library   To get back on track, we need new climate leadership and approaches Project Drawdown   New York Times climate journalists Lisa Friedman , Coral Davenport , Brad Plumer , Rebecca F. Elliott and Eric Lipton regularly help unpack the impact of President Trump's executive orders regarding climate change, explaining what can be accomplished without Congress changing existing laws and what cannot be easily undone.

  • January 2025 Eco-Spiritual Calendar

    Here's a list of some upcoming online and Rogue Valley, in-person, eco-spiritual activities that may be of interest to you. Check back, as this post will be updated during January as we get additional information, and a new calendar listing will come out in February 2025. Don't be intimidated by the scope of this list; choose to participate in what calls to you. January 1-7, 2025 , at 1 p.m. PST - The Unity Earth community is having 7 Days of Rest 2025 - "a free, co-creative annual global event dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants." The "primary objective is to create a sacred collective space and time away from the busyness as usual for us to reflect together, as a species, how we can realign with our hearts, with each other, and with the intrinsic intelligence and order of nature." Join FB Event HERE Join us in Room One - One World is a " deep beloved community of networks to unite humanity and restore Mother Earth." The main sponsor is Purpose Earth . January 3, 2025 - Application deadline for BTS Center and Chaplaincy Innovation Labs offering of Conversation Circles: Being Chaplains in a Climate-Changed World. This training will be for 12 sessions over 6 months from February – July 2025. Several days and times are available. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all Conversation Circles are filled; upon acceptance, commitment forms will be due by January 17, 2025 with a $200 program fee or request for financial assistance. Registration information here . January 8, 2025 , at 10 a.m. PST, - UCC is holding a Climate Action Commissioning Service to prepare ourselves to take action in the coming year. The 2025 theme is "Planting Seeds of Hope ." Rev. Michael Malcom, the Executive Director for Alabama Interfaith Power & Light and the People's Justice Council. will be leading the service. Register here . January 11, 2025 , at 10 a.m. PST - Southern Oregon Citizen's Climate Lobby is meeting at Pony Expresso, 175 Lithia Way Ashland, OR. The National call will feature Lucero Marquez, Associate Director of Federal Climate Poicy with the Center for American Progress. They will also discuss the Los Angeles fires and the Greater Pacific Northwest Regional Conference in Vancouver Washington, Feb 21-23rd. To get the Action Sheet click here. January 12, 2025 , from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. PST - Ecumenical Minsitries of Oregon is having an Interfaith Legislative Forum - a free Zoom overview of legislative issues of concern to the faith community. Their goal is to have legislators inform the audience of the issues and priorties facing the Oregon Legislature in the coming 2025 session. Confirmed legislators to date include Senators Dick Anderson, Chris Gorsek and Lew Frederick and Representatives Rob Nosse, Ed Diehl and Pam Marsh. Want to know how to be most effective in your advocacy efforts? Register here. January 13, 2025 , from 2:00-3:30 p.m. PST via Zoom - Alan Journet of SOCAN will discuss Federal & State Projects and other political issues. If you would like to join the team, please contact January 15, 2025 - May 21, 2025 - Deeptime Network is offering an   Advanced Deeptime Leadership and Wellbeing Program , Click to register. January 22, 2025 , at 11 a.m. PST - P roject Drawdown Executive Director Jonathan Foley, Ph.D., will discuss Getting Back on Track: How New Leadership and More Strategic Actions Can Best Address Climate Change Now - the importance of putting our energy toward new approaches and finding the right levers to solve climate change. Register here. January 22, 2025 - Becoming ProSocial -This guided journey will introduce the basics of the ProSocial method and provide weekly peer-group meetings to discuss, explore and deepen the work. Participants will be supported in identifying and working on their particular collaborative needs and goals.  Unlock 15% OFF on the course with code BPJAN15 until Jan. 17th. Register Here. January 22 – February 26, 2025, Wednesdays, 5– 6:30 p.m. PST - Cobb Institute is offering an Introduction to Process-Relational Thought & Practice , as part of earning a Certificate in Process Though & Practice . E nrollment is limited to 35 students and no new registrations will be accepted after February 5, 2025. More information and registration here . January 22, 2025 , from 6-8 p.m. PST, - Dr. Alan Journet of SOCAN is presenting a  session on Climate Change in Southern Oregon: Trends, Impacts, and Projections , both online via Zoom and in person at the Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center, 569 Hanley Rd, Central Point. ,The session, will cover the effects of global warming such as drought, heat waves, reduced snowpack, and floods, and their implications for wildfires, ecosystems, biodiversity, agriculture, and forestry..  Registration  fee is $15. January 23-25, 2025 - Process & Faith is offering a Renewing Faith Online Conference . During this multi-day online event, presenters will "explore several core themes of Christian faith – not academically, but in “big conversations” and practices." Renewing Faith : A Call for Reimagination and Renewal Renewing God : Deep Listening, Creativity, Transformation Renewing Jesus:  Atonement, Salvation Renewing Message:  Preaching, Scripture Renewing Worship:  Liturgy, Creeds, Sacraments, Aesthetics Renewing Spirit:  Practices, Religious Experience Renewing Community : Education, Outreach, Service Process and Faith is a multifaith network for relational spirituality and the common good." More information and registration here. January 28, 2025 , at 4 p.m. PT - Elders Climate Action is offering a National Call & Action Party (following) with the topic: Is Cleantech’s future "Clear or Cloudy" under the Inflation Reduction Act? with Climate & Energy Journalist, Amena Saiyid. Register here. January 29, 2025, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. PST - The topic of SOCAN 's January General Meeting will be Climate Action and the Oregon Caves with Sue Densmore, Executive Director of the Friends of Oregon Caves presenting. Sue will summarize the research of  Assistant Professor at Oregon State University  Katie Wendt , who is undertaking climate history research in the caves. This month SOCAN will be meeting at the Talent Public Library, 101 Home Street, Talent, OR. Rogue Valley Voice aggregates and curates information from many third-party sources and does not necessarily endorse all aspects of others' work. Still, we find their viewpoint provocative and interesting enough to encourage the reader to engage with and come to their understanding and actions, as they deem appropriate.

  • The Source of Hope

    For nearly half of U.S. voters, the new year 2025 does not easily bring hope. The values expressed by the new administration about social justice issues and not addressing climate change are in conflict. New York Times/Ipsos polling , released January 18, 2025, shows significant cleavages around the upcoming administration, the economy, and immigration. News of polarization of societal values and environmental degredation may cause one to wonder about " human-nature ." Some believe we have already reached societal and environmental tipping points and it is best to adopt a post-doom perspective. Fear and cynicism can overshadow the scientific evidence that there actually is a positive direction of evolution toward greater complexity and unity. This was recognized a century ago by Pierre Tielhard de Chardin who coined as the "noosphere." This long, cosmic view helps put current events in proper balance.. We live in southern Oregon where fog and overcast are typical during winter. It is sometimes hard to remember the the sun is always shining brightly above the clouds. Hope is sometimes like that - its a matter of perspective. Some of us are turning to the Source to find balance and hope. Beatrice Bruteau , in her 1993 book Radical Optimism says "The way to meaning is the path of perpsective. We have to find the right ange from which to view our situation" When we "shift our identity to the root, to our real self, to the source of our being in God, and all looks very different....The deepest truth is our union with the Abosolute, Infinite Being, with God. That's the root of our reality." In the recent YouTube video above Nicholas Vesey similarly quotes Cynthia Bourgeault: "We ourselves are not the source of that hope. We do not manufacture it, but the source dwells deep within us and flows to us with an unstinting abundance, so that so much of it might be more accurate to say that we actually dwell within the hope." ~ Mystical Hope , p. 20 Cynthia Bourgeault goes on to say: "Hope’s home is at the innermost point in us , and in all things . It is a quality of aliveness . It does not come at the end, as the feeling that results from a happy outcome. Rather, it lies at the beginning , as a pulse of truth that sends us forth . When our innermost being is attuned to this pulse, it will send us forth in hope, regardless of the physical circumstances of our lives. Hope fills us with the strength to stay present, to abide in the flow of this Mercy no matter how the outer storms assail us. It is entered always and only through surrender; that is, though the willingnes to let go of everything we presently clinging on to. And yet when we enter it, it enters us and fills us with its own life - a quiet strength beyond anything we have ever known." ~ Cynthia Bourgeault, Mystical Hope , p. 86-87 Wisdom from the Top of the World offers an annual subscription to the Aspen Explorers Club to " bring together like-minded people to explore with those who have pushed the envelope in their lives." In a YouTube video Ilia Delio explores Teilhard's notion of Omega, as a governing principle of increasing complexity and consciousness, accompanied by increasing spirit and the energy of love. The Omega principle provides a framework to discuss a possible direction of evolution. Listen to Ilia Delio as she talks with Nicholas Vesey about the Inauguration of Donald Trump (10 Mins) here.

  • The Noosphere & the Global South

    Human Energy and the Institute for Advanced Studies are presting the N2 2024 conference: The Noosphere & the Global South on December 16-18, 2024 livestreamed online and in-person in Morocco. "In light of this and our current global challenges, we pose three grand questions: What is our larger purpose on our shared planet? In the face of a widespread climate of negativity, where the dominant mood is to shout what we are against, what is it that we joyfully affirm? To what do we give our enthusiastic assent and our human energy?" "N 2 is an international, interdisciplinary conference fostering creative collaboration for intentionally and ethically steering the future evolution of global consciousness." “N 2 ” signals the exponential pace of the evolution of the noosphere and the reality that the next century will far exceed the last in rapid and radical change to the global mind." “N 2 ” also suggests how the noosphere amplifies our access to human understanding - beyond the individual “n of 1.” In an era of unprecedented global challenges and rapid technological advancement, understanding and guiding the evolution of the noosphere - our collective consciousness - has never been more crucial. The N 2 Conference aims to address critical questions about our shared future, fostering innovative solutions and collaborative thinking, particularly from the perspective of the Global South. Here are some abstracts and the link to the YouTube for Day 2 December 17, 2024 : Terrence Deacon - The Noosphere: Symbolically Extended Cognition Ilia Delio - Teilhard’s Noosphere: Why Evolution and Religion Belong Together. Abstract: " The Noosphere is our present reality of complexified matter and global consciousness. Scientists mapping the Noosphere show grids of interconnections that reveal a formative pattern of a higher-ordered collective. Teilhard de Chardin envisioned this pattern almost a century ago, but he saw that emerging complexified wholeness cannot be adequately sustained without religion. He did not conceive religion as a confessional set of doctrines but the depth dimension of all reality, the search for ultimate meaning, and the state of being grasped by ultimate concerns. “Religion and evolution,” he said, “are destined to form one single continuous organism, in which their respective lives prolong, are dependent on, and complete one another.” Religion is the biological response to the emergence of spiritual energy. His sense of religion, therefore, is experiential and supports faith in the future. The true function of religion is to sustain and spur on the progress of life. In his view, no one religion can satisfy the religious spirit of the earth and its evolution towards Omega. If religion is a biological phenomenon, what is religion on the level of emerging Noosphere? Science has significantly advanced the Noosphere but without a rebirth of religion, the future is fragile." Gregory Stock and Sadie Stock : Swimming in the Noosphere Abstract: " The nature of human existence is shifting abruptly. Our recognition of digital natives, which was so widely touted in the early 2000’s, has turned out to be but prelude to the growing realization that we are now wading into an unfathomable noospheric pool of AI-centered information flows. Not only are we entering a Post Truth World in which it will be increasingly difficult if not impossible to independently establish verifiable truth, but the supposed gulf between digital immigrants who were adults when digital technologies exploded, and digital natives who’ve never known anything else is seeming ever less significant. It is nothing compared to the chasm between digital natives and Generation AI — those growing up in an AI-infused noosphere permeated by invisible technology, AI , and soon enough AGI (artificial general intelligence) and ASI (artificial superinteligence)." Abre Fournier and Brian Swimme In Dialogue : From the Noosphere to the Metamind — Charting a New Era of Global Consciousness Clément Vidal : The Noosphere Narrative: Bridging the Anthropocene, Gaia and the Technological Singularity for Planetary Progress Abstract: " Narratives for our global future are dominated by the Anthropocene, the Gaia hypothesis, or the technological singularity. However, these narratives paint a biased picture and fail to offer a consistent and hopeful vision for our future. We argue that the noosphere can offer a synthesis of these narratives, and introduce new concepts to this end. A key idea of the Anthropocene is the great acceleration, creating destructive and out-of-control dynamics, that we propose to counter with a great regulation to stabilize Earth systems. A central insight of the Gaia hypothesis is the discovery of feedback loops between the geosphere and the biosphere. We argue that feedback from humans and the noosphere should be included into this picture, forming a broader “Anthropogaia”. The technological singularity advocates often have a blind faith in the salvatory potential of technology. We argue that this potential should serve more a planetary vision, and less transhumanist themes and hopes. The noosphere can also be framed as the first planetary major evolutionary transition, and usefully described with living systems theory to identify and tackle global challenges. In sum, we argue that the noosphere is a unique vision and narrative that invites systemic action to tackle global challenges, while providing a positive and consistent evolutionary outlook into the future." Boris Cyrulnik : Phenomenon and Thought (in French) Abstract: " When we compare brains in the living world, we see the development of a capacity to escape reality. A bird can migrate by processing only contextual information. A monkey can solve geometric problems and make tools. A human child also lives in an immediate context, but when language bursts forth around the age of three, the child can refer to things and events that are distant in time and space. It is only around the 6th-8th year, when the prefrontal neurons involved in anticipation connect with the limbic neurons involved in memory, that the child becomes capable of telling a story—the representation of an entity that is impossible to perceive, such as God, life after death, or the First Crusade. Thanks to its linguistic capacity for dual articulation, the child can tell other people what he thinks, and these others may think differently. Thus, a world of representations is created, detached from perceptible phenomena. This verbal world acts on the brain and creates a noetic world that we inhabit for our greatest happiness (art) or for our greatest misfortune (fanaticism)." Panelists: Raphaël Liogier, Saâd Tazi, Frédéric Baitinger, Shima Beigi: The Noospheric Journey of Robinson Crusoe: A Rite of Passage into the Peaceful Warrior Archetype within the Noosphere Join us live on our YouTube channel and don’t miss any of today’s insightful discussions. 👉 WATCH HERE   📖 Explore the Agenda Make the most of your experience by planning your day. 👉 VIEW THE FULL AGENDA

  • Integral Worldview

    Charles Taylor argued in his seminal work,   Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity  (1989) that our contemporary cultural landscape is characterized by a profound tension between modern and postmodern worldviews. In 2016   Nicholas Hedlund and Annick de Witt  published research on how  four major worldviews (traditional, modern, post-modern and integral) in the Netherlands and USA relate to climate change . They found that in both countries people with postmodern and integrative worldviews displayed significantly more concern about climate change as well as more sustainable behaviors, compared with moderns and traditionals. Hedlund and de Witt define worldview as “the inescapable, overarching systems of meaning and meaning-making that inform how humans interpret, enact, and co-create reality." They are the fundamental ‘lenses’ through which humans see and filter reality. A worldview   is "the fundamental cognitive  orientation of an individual or society encompassing the whole of the individual's or society's knowledge , culture , and point of view ." Worldviews interface with people’s perceptions of global issues like climate change in ways that are profound, persistent, and frequently overlooked. Worldviews not only tend to shape how individuals perceive particular issues and their potential solutions, they also tend to influence their willingness to partake in, or politically support, such solutions. Since worldviews are a fundamental part of individuals’ identities , people may react defensively, or even with hostility, when their underlying assumptions and beliefs about reality are called into question—reacting as if they themselves  were threatened ( Brown et al., 2008 ). Worldview Journeys identifies four major worldview and has a 17 question online test to see where you score; this classification is similar to those described by Steve McIntosh in his various writings on Developmental Philophy: Traditional worldview - Religious/metaphysical monism. Reality as singular, transcendent. Universe as purposively constructed whole. God- created universe ex nihilo . Transcendent God is separate from profane world; dualism. Nature as embodiment of meaningful, imposed order (e.g. God’s creation). Naïve realism; emphasis on concrete-literal interpretations of religious doctrine (literalism, dogmatic metaphysics, ontotheology). Religious authority (scripture, divine revelation, tradition). Modern worldview - An Enlightenment-inspired, instrumental, disengaged, objectified understanding of reality. Secular materialism. Reality as singular, immanent. Mechanistic universe brought about by random mutation and selection. Material reality devoid of meaning, intentionality, consciousness; dualism, disenchantment. Nature as instrumental, devoid of intrinsic meaning and purpose. Resource for exploitation. (Post-)positivism; reality as objectively knowable, (empiricism, reductionism, scientism). Secular authority (science, the state). Postmodern worldview - a Post-Romantic, expressive cultural current that sees nature as inner source. Post-materialism. Reality as pluralistic, perspectival, constructed. Cosmogony as cultural construct. Reality as discontinuous and fragmented; anti- essentialism. Nature as constructed through a plurality of cultural values, meanings, and interests. Social constructivism; reality as constructed, perspectival (pluralism, relativism). Internalization of authority (e.g. moral, emotional, intuitive, artistic knowing) Integral worldview - a somewhat hypothetical, emergent, post-postmodern structure characterized by its self- reflexive attempt to bring together and synthesize many of the enduring elements of the earlier worldviews. Typically older worldviews are dualistic and mutually exclusive, such as spirituality vs. science/rationality ; imagination vs. logic; heart vs. mind; humanity vs. nature - perspectives that in the West have been in conflict for centuries. Reality as singular and pluralistic (unity-in-diversity), transcendent and immanent. In the integral worldview the universe is seen as an evolving and creative manifestation of pervasive Source/Spirit. Exterior and interior reality are co-arising and interdependent. Reenchantment with nature is constructed and intrinsically real, meaningful, and valuable; Humanity is frequently seen as a part and expression of a divine Source. In an integral worldview, opposing perspectives are frequently understood to be part of a greater whole or synthesis—on a “deeper level”—resulting in “both-and” rather than “either-or” thinking. Such a holistic or integral perspective may lead to a profound sense of connection with nature, and other living creatures - an understanding of earthly life itself as imbued with a larger consciousness or “Spirit.” Universal, existential concerns—such as life and death, self-actualization, global awareness, and serving society, humanity, or even “life” at large—are often of central importance. The November 2024 Presidential election of Donald Trump might be seen as a regression to values to a less evolved tradtional worldview, but research reminds us that about 50% of U.S. residents and 70% of people worldwide still have a traditional worldview. Thus, those of us with a post-postmodern, integral perspective must realize that cultural values and worldviews change slowly, sometimes over generations. In 2000 sociologist Paul H Ray and his psychologist wife Sherry Ruth Anderson  wrote about The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World .  In 2002 Ray wrote the   New Political Compass : The New Progressives are In-Front, Deep Green, Against Big Business and Globalization, and Beyond Left vs. Right. " Ray gave the term " Integral Culture " to the growing subculture. He also refers to this as transmodernism , which he refers to as the  " Cultural Creatives ".  They are concerned with ecological sustainability  and in the case of a core group have a commitment to personal and spiritual development. These are individuals who can meld the best of traditionalism  and modernism  to create a new synthesis, having a cognitive style based on synthesizing varied information from many sources into a big picture." An integral worldview is not the last stage, but I believe it is the next step. We should not lose sight of the progess in cutural evolution that has already occurred and continues to unfold at a rapidly accelerated pace, as the noosphere emerges. We might not have much luck persuating traditionalists or even modernists to adopt and integral worlview, but post-moderns are more likely to morph. I believe the key is to celebrate those positive values which we share in all earlier worldview, while at the same time overcoming their pathologies. #Noosphere #IntegralWorldview #CulturalCreatives

  • Inner Development Goals

    "In 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) gave us a comprehensive plan for a sustainable world by 2030. Although we have accumulated much knowledge about the climate crisis, poverty, public health, and other social ills communicated in the SDGs , we seem to lack the inner capacity to deal with our increasingly complex environment and challenges." Inner Development Goals (IDG) was created as global movement "to bring attention to the inner capacities we must develop to confront the great challenges of our day. IDG is a non-profit, open-source initiative committed to fostering inner development towards more sustainable futures. They research, collect, and communicate science-based skills and qualities that help us to live purposeful, sustainable, and productive lives." The IDG initiative was first introduced at the MindShift Digital Conference in April 2020 at the Stockholm School of Economics. Since then t here have been three IDG Summits. The 2025 IDG Summit will occur October 15-17, 2025 in Stockholm. Click here for more information and registration. Gib Bulloch captures the unique spirit of IDG Summit in his latest piece for The Beautiful Truth magazine: Why Sustainable Development Must Start with Inner Development Gib explores why reaching the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) must begin with inner growth. As the graphic above shows, there are five main pillars to the inner development framework: Being: This is your relationship to self. How might we deepen our relationship to our thoughts, feelings and body to help us be more present, intentional and non-reactive when we face complexity? Thinking: Our cognitive skills. Not in short supply in the very brilliant, but too often these skills are linear and narrow in the business world. Can we expand them by taking different perspectives, evaluating information, and making sense of the world as an interconnected whole? Relating: Caring for others and the world. Can you name anyone who’s against that? It’s more than just appreciating each other. It’s about challenging ourselves to feel more connected to future generations and the biosphere and to create more sustainable systems and societies for everyone. Collaborating: What are our social skills? They’re not talking about social media skills here. It asks us about our abilities to include, hold space, and communicate with stakeholders with different values, skills, and competencies. Acting: Enabling change. The doing to balance the being of the first goal. Can we find the courage and optimism to break old patterns, generate original ideas and act with persistence in uncertain times?" I became aware of IDG through the November 27, 2024 IDG Revolution Podcast, Season 1, Ephisode 6 , where Dr. Max Klau interviewed Sheila Hassell Hughes , the Chief Operating Officer of the nonprofit Human Energy that was founded to introduce the science of the Noosphere as a source of meaning for future generations in our globalizing world. In 2023 Noam Chomsky recorded The End of Organized Humanity for the The Poetry of Predicament Podcast.. Living Resilience/Deep Academy has a mission of service "to bring the most potent support, tools and practices to those who are courageous enough to face, full frontal, our predicament-laden world." They offer support, training and safe container for the profound and demanding inner work that these times and this global transformation call for. #IDGSummit  #InnerDevelopmentGoals   #Sustainability   #GlobalGoals   #InnerGrowthOuterChange #HumanEnergy #IDGRevolution #LivingResilience

  • Beauty, Truth & Goodness

    In his 2007 book Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution: How the Integral Worldview Is Transforming Politics, Culture and Spirituality author Steve McIntosh discusses integral spirituality, which he suggests "can bring about the evolution of our culture's overall spirituality through an expanded philosophical understanding of the spiritual natue of the primary values of beauty , truth and goodness ." There have been many attempts by philosophers to provide concise definitions of beauty, truth and goodness: Thomas Aquinas defined beauty as "unity, proportion and clairy." Alfred North Whitehead defined truth as "the conformation of appearance to realty." Immanuel Kant defined goodness by reference to the categorical imperative which says" Act according to those maxims that you could will to be universal law." Here are some of McIntosh's defenitions: Values -  "goals, ideals, desires, intrinsic qualities, standards of perfection ) serve to energize consciousness and culture and nourish these internal systems with meaningful sustance." Beauty - "When we look out at the external world around us, we describe its most exquisite features as 'beautiful.' Spirit appears to us in the object world as delicate loveliness, bold drama, and sublime elegance, all of which are forms of beauty . " Truth - "In the internal realm of thoughts and ideas, those which exhibit the most quality are the ones that are the most accurate, the most descriptive of reality and the most useful at providing solutions; when we look for spirit in the subjective realm, it most often looks like truth ." Goodness - "In the intersubjective realm of human relations spirit is revealed through kindness, compassion, fairness, forgiveness, mercy, and justice - actions guided by the value of goodness ." In 2023 Steve McIntosh  launched The Developmental Politics Project   to promote how developmental philosophy’s perspective "synthesizes and harmonizes values  from across the political spectrum. The strategies it uses to widen perspectives and integrate politically opposed viewpoints are neither left, nor right, nor centrist. Its theory of change is that culture and consciousness coevolve when people expand the scope of what they can value ." Here are the sources Robert Reich "currently relys on for the truth ": The Guardian Democracy Now Business Insider The New Yorker The American Prospect Americans for Tax Fairness Economic Policy Institute Center on Budget and Policy Priorities ProPublica Labor Notes The Lever Popular Information Heather Cox Richardson Robert Reich Substack

  • December 2024 Eco-Spiritual Calendar

    Here's a list of some upcoming online and Rogue Valley, in-person, eco-spiritual activities that may be of interest to you. Check back, as this post will be updated during December as we get additional information, and a new calendar listing will come out in January 2025. Don't be intimidated by the scope of this list; choose to participate in what calls to you. December 6, 2024 , at 4:00 pm - 5:00 p.m. PST - Center for Christogeneis is presenting a free online discussion: Can Science Be a Form of Faith? A Discussion of Teilhard’s Vision . "Teilhard de Chardin, a pioneering thinker at the intersection of science and religion, envisioned a cosmos in which matter and spirit are entangled in an evolutionary journey toward ultimate unity. He suggested that science is not only a method for understanding the material. " Free. More information here . December 11, 2024 - is offering 4D Mapping Online Training online through U-School.. " 4D Mapping , a cornerstone of Theory U and Social Presencing Theater (SPT) practices, is designed to inspire and support emergent transformational change. Tapping into embodied creativity and collective wisdom, this powerful practice helps us uncover deeper structures that keep systems stuck and identify potential leverage points for systems evolution." More information and registration here . December 11, 2024 , from 4-6:30 p.m. - The Association of Pittsburgh Priests is presenting Cathonomics: Toward a More Inclusive, Sustainable World Economy with Anthony Annett. He who will go through the ten principles of Catholic Social Teaching outlined in his 2022 book “ Cathonomics ” and show how these are aligned with social democracy. Anthony Annett is a Climate Change and Sustainable Development Advisor at the Earth Institute , Columbia University. Working closely with Religions for Peace , he leads the Earth Institute's initiative to strengthen the engagement of the world's religious communities in the climate change and sustainable development agendas. Inspired by Pope Francis and motivated by what he believed was a crisis of ethics during the global financial crisis, he dove deeply into the Catholic social tradition and other approaches like the civil economy paradigm. This journey eventually led him to leave the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and into Cathonomics. More information and registration here. December 12, 2024 , at 4 p.m. PST - Faith in Place is having their final Monthly Call of 2024 where we’ll come together to celebrate our shared accomplishments and look ahead to the opportunities awaiting us in 2025. Register here. December 14-15, 2024 - Matthew Fox Legacy Project and Immaculate Heart Community in Los Angeles is presenting (online and in person) Advent 2024: A Great Comming - Creation Spirituality and the Renewal of Religion, Humanity and Holy Mother Earth . Art as meditation includes music and Corita Kent's collage box making. Information and registration here. December 14, 2024 , from 3-5 p.m. PST - In place of a December General Meeting, SOCAN will host a Winter Solstice Party at a SOCAN activists’ home near Jacksonville. Please register   using this link , as it will help them plan the party. (Location and directions will be sent to those who register.) You’re encouraged to bring an appetizer or dessert, but it’s not required. Wine, beer, and sparkling water will be provided. If you want a different drink, please bring it with you. December 16-18, 2024 - N2 2024: The Noosphere & The Global South is an international & interdisciplinary conference in Morocco " fostering creative collaboration for intentionally and ethically steering the future evolution of global consciousness." “N 2 ” signals the exponential pace of the evolution of the noosphere and the reality that the next century will far exceed the last in rapid and radical change to the global mind. “N 2 ” also suggests how the noosphere amplifies our access to human understanding - beyond the individual “n of 1.” If you haven't already, explore the N² 2024 website to preview the conference themes and speakers . There you will be able to register for the conference for free, participating either in person or virtually via livestream. Once you register, be sure to look out for emails from them providing updates on the conference schedule and previews of upcoming speakers. December 18, 2024 , from 8-9 a.m. PST - Deeptime Network is offering  Free information sessions about their upcoming program   January 15, 2025 - May 21, 2025 Advanced Deeptime Leadership and Wellbeing Program , Click to register. December 31, 2024 - SOCAN will NOT have a monthly meeting in December. They will celebrate Winter Solstice on Saturday, December 14. January 8, 2025 , at 10 a.m. PST, - UCC is holding a Climate Action Commissioning Service .to prepare ourselves to take action in the coming year. The 2025 theme is "Planting Seeds of Hope ." Rev. Michael Malcom, the Executive Director for Alabama Interfaith Power & Light and the People's Justice Council. will be leading the service. Register here . January 22, 2025 , from 6-8 p.m. PST, - Dr. Alan Journet of SOCAN is presenting a session on Climate Change in Southern Oregon: Trends, Impacts, and Projections , both online via Zoom and in person at the Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center, 569 Hanley Rd, Central Point. ,The session, will cover the effects of global warming such as drought, heat waves, reduced snowpack, and floods, and their implications for wildfires, ecosystems, biodiversity, agriculture, and forestry.. Registration fee is $15. Rogue Valley Voice aggregates and curates information from many third-party sources and does not necessarily endorse all aspects of others' work. Still, we find their viewpoint provocative and interesting enough to encourage the reader to engage with and come to their understanding and actions, as they deem appropriate.

  • November 2024 Eco-Spiritual Calendar

    Here's a list of some upcoming online and Rogue Valley, in-person, eco-spiritual activities that may be of interest to you. Check back, as this post will be updated during Novembe as we get additional information, and a new calendar listing will come out in December. Don't be intimidated by the scope of this list; choose to participate in what calls to you. November 2, 2024 , from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. PDT - The Center for Building a Culture of Empathy is hosting an Online Empathy Summit , focused on exploring the empathy circle as a foundational empathy movement practice. More info and Zoom link here . November 6, 2024 , at 10 a.m. PST - On the day after the election, the UCC Council for Climate Justice will host a Climate Action Assembly to assess implications of the election results and begin to plan ahead. Their special guest speakers will include Robin Lewis, the Climate Equity Director for Interfaith Power & Light-DMV, and Abigail Cipparone, the Domestic Policy Advocate of the United Church of Christ's DC Office. Register here. November 7, 2024 , at 1 p.m. PST- Global Kinship (exploring the noosphere) is presenting their monthly webinar from Creation Spirituality Communities : The Individuality and Universality of our Stories with Harvey Honig and Jean Scott-Honig. Harvey is a former ordained Lutheran minister, Jungian analyst, and Instructor at the Chicago Jung Institute , He is the author of the book, A People's Guide to an Interfaith Christian Theology in a Time of Transformation ; Jean Scott Honig is a spiritual healer and counselor. Register Here November 7, 2024 , from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. PST - Elders Action Network is sponsoring part II of Difficult Conversations Workshop . No matter who wins the election, we’re going to need to talk—civilly! Do you have the skills to keep your cool in this overheated political environment? The Building Bridges project is delighted to once again sponsor a two-part workshop by Kern Beare, originator of the Difficult Conversations Project. Register here. November 11-22, 2024 - Delegates from around the world will convene in Baku, Azerbaijan for the 29th   Conference of the Parties on Climate (COP29) . November 12 & 19, 2024 , at 4 p.m. PST - The Center for Christogenesis offers a two-part workshop with Sheri Kling on Healing our Collective Pain: Worldviews, Dreamwork, and Transformation . Register here . The fee is $75 for access to both sessions. Session 1, Nov. 12:   Worldviews ,  Fragmentation & Integration  – this session "introduces the integrating resources available from the thinking of Alfred North Whitehead and Carl Gustav Jung." Session 2, Nov 19 :  Dreams & Transformation  – this session "explores dream work as an embodied spiritual practice for transformation and how dreams may actually be encounters with God in the world and in our lives." November 13, 2024, from 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm - Teilhard’s Omega Point: Does Evolution Have Direction? with Ilia Delio. How to participate? Join Steve McIntosh’s Zoom group – the Zoom group is a monthly forum on the evolution of consciousness and culture. Free. More Info here. November 14, 2024 , from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. PST - St. Mark's Cathedral in Seattle has a monthly climate conversation on Zoom on the second Thursday of each month. November, it is Eat Pizza for the Planet: Making Meals that Reduce Climate Change. Two of the top 10 things people can do to reverse global warming are reducing food waste and eating a plant-rich diet. We’ll dig into the details to find out what we can do. Click here for more info and the Zoom link.   November 14-21, 2024 - Thomas Hübl, Founder of Pocket Project has organized Climate Consciousness Summit "a unique experience that intertwines the climate and healing movements, and find meaningful ways to connect and contribute." More information and registration here. November 16, 2024,  from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. PDT - Blessed Tomorrow is offering a live, virtual Christian Climate Ambassador Training to "equip you with the knowledge, hands-on experience, and resources to speak and take action on climate change in your home, neighborhood, place of worship, community, with policymakers and beyond." Register here. November 16, 2024 , from 6 to 8 p. m. PST– Southern Oregon Climate Action Now  (SOCAN) will mark its 12th year of passionate climate advocacy and education with " Sips for Sustainability ,“ at Bellview Grange , 1050 Tolman Creek Rd, Ashland, OR. This will be a social and fundraising event. with live music from the Bill Scholer Band, an array of wines, beers and non-alcoholic beverages, and the excitement of a mystery wine sale and eco-friendly raffle, attendees will have the chance to connect, reflect, and contribute to meaningful climate action. A donation of $20 is suggested. RSVP to December 14, 2024 , from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. PST - St. Mark's Cathedral in Seattle has a monthly climate conversation on Zoom on the second Thursday of each month. December, it is Reduce Plastic to avoid Gigatons of Carbon Emissions. They’ll discuss the places we use plastic, how to avoid it, alternatives to plastic, and innovative solutions. Click here for more info and the Zoom link. Rogue Valley Voice aggregates and curates information from many third-party sources and does not necessarily endorse all aspects of others' work. Still, we find their viewpoint provocative and interesting enough to encourage the reader to engage with and come to their understanding and actions, as they deem appropriate.

  • October 2024 Eco-Spiritual Calendar

    Here's a list of some upcoming online and Rogue Valley, in-person, eco-spiritual activities that may be of interest to you. Check back, as this post will be updated during September as we get additional information, and a new calendar listing will come out in November. Don't be intimidated by the scope of this list; choose to participate in what calls to you. October 8, 2024 , from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. PDT - SOCAN is having a Candidate Forum . SOCAN has invited all candidates for the current Jackson County Board of Commissioners race, Oregon House Districts 4, 5, and 6, plus Oregon Senate District 2 and Federal Congressional District 2 to the forum. The presentations will take place at the Medford Public Library, 205 S. Central Avenue, Medford, OR. The forum will be followed by an optional 30-minute meet and greet during which candidates and voters will have a chance to continue discussion. October 15, 2024 , at 9:25 a.m. PT - Maud Powell, Associate Professor of OSU Extension Small Farms program, will be a guest on the JPR's Jefferson Exchange, discussing her program to support small farmers suffering from living on the frontlines of climate change. October 15, 2024 , from 4-5 p.m. PDT - Citizen's Climate Lobby is having a Zoom meeting for CCL volunteers interested in becoming CCL Group Leaders. Click here to join , or go to , click "Join" in the menu, and enter the meeting ID: 273-716-354 October 15, 2024 - November 19, 2024 , Tuesdays from 4-5:30 p.m. PDT - Deeptime Network   is offering a 6-week course with Brian Thomas Swimme, assisted by Jennifer Morgan: Cosmogenesis: Autocosmology as a Spiritual Practice . This is a required course for the Advanced Deeptime Leadership Program starting in January 2025 for those who have not done the 9-month DT Leadership Program. The cost is $171 for members.  Register here. October 16, 2024 , from 3-5:30 PT - Convergence and The Berkana Institute are having an online discussion with Matthew Fox, Brian McLaren, Margaret J. Wheatley, and Cameron Trimble titled Post-Doom Spirituality , You can attend the live conversation and will receive the recording to watch at your convenience. Registration fee is $35. Register here . October 17, 2024 , from 5:30-7:30 pm,  - SOCAN is having a Rogue Climate Volunteer Gathering and mini-orientation of the Electrification Campaign for new folk joining the campaign co-facilitated by long-term volunteers. They will also do an introduction to door-to-door canvassing since that is their current organizing focus. These monthly gatherings are always potluck style and themed to add a fun element. It is not required to bring a dish to participate. This month’s theme is Farm to Table, fresh farm ingredients. October 17, 2024 - Southern Oregon PBS is presenting the premiere of their new documentary series, Energy Horizons . This six-part series takes us on a journey to understand the importance of energy, climate change, and resource depletion, along with potential solutions across Oregon. The show takes us across the state, exploring current successes in renewable energy, frontier technologies in development, and the challenges around energy storage and transmission. The series includes interviews with SOCAN co-facilitator Alan Journet, and SOU Sustainability Director Becs Walker. Episode 1: Energy Horizons: Transition – Resource Depletion and Pollution October 17 , 8 p.m. (Repeats 10/19-7 p,m; 10/20-2 a.m.; 10/20-6 p,m,) They explore Oregon’s energy landscape, environmental challenges, and possible ways forward. Keegan and Tripp traverse the state of Oregon to examine why energy is so vital to us and how Oregonians are building our future. Episode 2: Energy Horizons: Solar Revolution – Rooftops and Farm Fields October 24 , 8 p.m .(Repeats on 10/26-7 p.m.; 10/27-2 a.m.; 10/27-6 p.m.). We learn about solar energy and the explosion in rooftop solar adoption and options for non-homeowners across Oregon. Episode 3: Energy Horizons: Offshore Wind – Potential and Controversy October 31 , 8 p,m, (Repeats 11/2-7 p,m,; 11/03-2 a,m,; 11/03-6 p,m,) Oregon has long maintained a robust wind energy sector. Now, with the new interest in the powerful winds off Oregon’s South Coast, the potential is everywhere, but amid its promise, conflict, and tensions are rising. Episode 4: Energy Horizons: Frontier Tech – Wave, Geothermal & Hydrogen November 7 , 8 p,m, (Repeats 11/9-7 p,m; 11/11-2 a,m; 11/11-6 p,m,) This fourth episode in a 6-part series looks at the future of renewable energy in Oregon. It includes niche, or further-future ideas, like wave, geothermal, and hydrogen. While still in development, these ideas reveal Oregon as a major player in future energy research. Episode 5: Energy Horizons: How Energy Moves – Storage & Transmission November 14 , 8 p,m, (Repeats 11/16-7 p,m,, 11/17-2 a,m, 11/17-6 p,m,) This fifth episode in a 6-part series covers how we can make renewable energy available with investment in energy storage and transmission essential for a new energy future. Whether it's rolling out transmission lines across valuable farmland or building massive storage facilities on Native American sacred lands, changes to our grid are embroiled in bureaucracy and controversy. Episode 6: Energy Horizons: The Long Game – Energy & The Future November 21 , 8 p,m, (Repeats 11/23-7 p,m; 11/24-2 a,m; 11/24-6 p,m,) Note: Episodes 4, 5, and 6 will premiere in November and are subject to change. October 22, 2024 , from 10 a.m. to noon PDT - John Cobb & Friends Gathering features David Korten: For the Love of Life: Finding Our Way to an Ecological Civilization Register here . October 22, 2024 , at 4 p.m. PDT - Elder Climate Action (ECA) is having a monthly call on Zoom: Navigating Climate & Election Anxiety with Tamara Staton . Tamara Staton co-founded her local Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) Chapter in Portland, Oregon in 2012 and stepped up as Regional Director for the Greater Pacific Northwest a few years later, supporting leaders and expansion efforts in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska, Hawaii, and 3 Pacific Island territories. Register here October 29, 2024 , from 4:30-6 p.m. PT - The Center for Christogenesis is partnering with WCCM Meditation & Community to offer an online presentation by Ilia Delio: The Unfinished God in a Techno-Driven Universe . The presentation will be followed by a response from Laurence Freeman, a monk of the Benedictine Congregation of Monte Oliveto , Director of Bonnevaux , and the World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM). Register here. October 29, 2024 , from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. PDT -   SOCAN   is having its Monthly Meeting on How Climate Change is Impacting Oregon Farmers. It will feature Maud Powell, Associate Professor of OSU Extension Small Farms program, discussing her program to support small farmers suffering from living on the frontlines of climate change. The meeting will take place at the Medford Public Library, 205 S. Central Avenue, Medford, OR. October 2024-March 2025 , from 4-5:30 p.m. PT - The BTS Center   is offering online " Navigating Climate Spiritual Care: A Learning Community for chaplains, pastors, educators, lay leaders, and spiritual seekers ,  on Monday evenings twice monthly from October 21, 2024 through March 10, 2025. The program fee is #200 . The application deadline is September 15, 2024. Register here . November 12 and 19, 2024 , at 4 p.m. PT - The Center for Christogenesis is offering a two-part workshop with Sheri Kling: Healing our Collective Pain: Worldviews, Dreamwork, and Transformation . Sheri D. Kling, Ph.D. , is the director of Process & Faith with the Center for Process Studies and interim minister of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Bradenton, FL. Register here. Rogue Valley Voice aggregates and curates information from many third-party sources and does not necessarily endorse all aspects of others' work. Still, we find their viewpoint provocative and interesting enough to encourage the reader to engage with and come to their understanding and actions, as they deem appropriate.

  • Emotions and Taking Care of the Planet

    Inside Climate News reports that a 2021 " Eco-anxiety Study (with a sample size of 10,000!) found that about 75 percent of 16-25-year-olds from 10 countries, including the United States, said “ the future is frightening, ” and 83 percent think " people have failed to take care of the planet .”  Aspen Global Change Institute  ( AGCI) reported that " the biggest ever stand-alone survey of climate opinion , conducted by the United Nations and the University of Oxford, found " more than half of people globally are more worried about climate this year than they were last year." This year, the UN Development Programme  surveyed   73,000 people in 77 different countries (one of the largest surveys of its kind.) and found that 80 percent of respondents want their governments to do more to act on climate change. 72 percent said they want a swift transition away from fossil fuels. And 56 percent of those surveyed said they think about climate change “daily or weekly.”  So how do our emotions about climate change either motivate us or immobile us to take action? A June 2024 Research Review by AGCI investigated the effect of four emotions ( guilt , anger , hope , and sadness ) on support for four different policy types: Personally costly policies (e.g., a tax on gasoline) Regulatory policies (e.g., rules to limit pollution from factories or power plants) Proactive policies (e.g., new investments in solar) Climate Justice policies (e.g. providing restitution for losses. They found that: Feelings of guilt lead people to support personally costly actions . Feelings of hope about climate change lead people to support proactive climate policies. Feelings of anger or sadness about climate change lead to more likely to support proactive policies (not climate justice). Feelings of anger are more likely to support proactive climate policies (not regulatory). Feelings of fear are more likely to support regulatory, policies because they are a way to protect themselves from harm. People who feel fear, as compared to the other emotions, are more likely to support all four kinds of policies . The Aspen Institute’s This Is Planet Ed   program "prepares children and young adults to thrive in a changing climate and empowers them with climate knowledge." Their work Supporting Students ,  "p rovides resources and technical assistance to community leaders and serves as a place to bring diverse groups of people together to drive equitable climate action." In August 2024 This Is Planet Ed released its   Higher Ed Climate Action Plan , which  calls for a systemic approach to climate education at the university level.  University of San Diego's Adaptive Mind Project  (ADP) research emphasizes community connections and social support as key coping mechanisms for the emotions that accompany traumatic events. Strong social connections can increase psychological resilience to major life changes and traumatic events. "Various studies imply, that messages about climate threats should be paired with concrete guidance for how acting with others can prevent great harm. Though the threat is great, solving this existential climate crisis is entirely possible, and informed communications is critical to motivating action." ~ Sarah Spengeman, PhD

  • Theology Beer Camp

    Tripp Fuller 's Homebrewed Christianity Theology Beer Camp 2024 , which takes place in Denver, CO is also "the ultimate online gathering for theology buffs" October 18-19th , from 8-11 a.m. PT. Virtual ticket s are available for $75, which include a live stream of the main stage for all plenary and main stage breakout sessions, followed by a link to all TBC recordings. This includes keynotes from Ilia Delio , Catherine Keller , Diana Butler Bass , Brian D. McLaren , John J. Thatamanil , Joerg Rieger , & Gary Dorrien . Plus  a special online-only keynote from John Dominic Crossan . Ilia Delio , OSF, PhD , is a Franciscan Sister of Washington, DC, and an American theologian at Villanova University specializing in the area of science and religion, with interests in evolution, physics, and neuroscience and the import of these for theology. She is "the single finest exponent of Teilhard’s vision and its relevance for science and cosmology in the twenty-first century." Catherine Keller is a Professor of Constructive Theology at Drew University. who practices theology as "a relation between ancient hints of ultimacy and current matters of urgency." She teaches courses in process, political, and ecological theology. Within and beyond Christian conversation, she has all along mobilized the transdisciplinary potential of feminist, philosophical, and pluralist intersections with religion. Diana Butler Bass is an author, speaker, preacher, and commentator on religion and contemporary spirituality. She is " one of the most sought-after writers and speakers for mainline and liberal Christians, and her entire corpus of work remains relevant for the issues of today." Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, activist, and public theologian. He is "a passionate advocate for “a new kind of Christianity” – just, generous, and working with people of all faiths for the common good." John J. Thatamanil is a Professor of Theology & World Religions at Union Theological Seminary and Director, Insight Project: Theology & Natural World Joerg Rieger is the founder of the Wendland-Cook Program in Religion and Justice at Vanderbilt University, In his Religion & Justice podcast Rieger shares insights on "deep solidarity," a concept that unites various forms of exploitation across class, race, gender, and environment to foster resilient alternatives. He highlights how ecological care and human liberation are intertwined. He also challenges pie-in-the-sky religious ideals, calling for faith traditions to actively engage in building tangible alternatives to capitalism and environmental degradation. Gary Dorrien is an American social ethicist and theologian . He is the Reinhold Niebuhr Professor of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York and Professor of Religion at Columbia University , both in New York City, and the author of 18 books on ethics, social theory, philosophy, theology, politics, and intellectual history. John Dominic Crossan is a New Testament scholar, historian of early Christianity, and former Catholic priest who was a prominent member of the Jesus Seminar , and an emeritus professor at DePaul University . "For the last 200,000-ish years planet Earth has been rocking humans. I’m not sure the other species have decided if we are much of a blessing, but in the meantime we may as well look into creating a more beautiful community of life together." ~ Tripp Fuller

  • September 2024 Eco-Spiritual Calendar

    Here's a list of some upcoming online and Rogue Valley, in-person, eco-spiritual activities that may be of interest to you. Check back, as this post will be updated during September as we get additional information, and a new calendar listing will come out in October. Don't be intimidated by the scope of this list; choose to participate in what calls to you. September 6, 2024,  from 4-6 p.m. PDT - The Center for Christogenesis  will offer a webinar: Returning Religion to the Prophetic, with Ilia Delio , who will explore "a renewed meaning of Teilhard de Chardin's vision of religion and evolution in a world that seems to be out of control, and our role in bringing about a more just and unified world." Tickets are $30. Register here. September 9, 2024 , every Monday at 3 p.n. PDT - Creation Justice Ministries is holding Vespers with Creation for this upcoming Season of Creation! For more information and to register visit . September 14, 2024 , at 10 a.m. PDT - Southern Oregon Citizens' Climate Lobby meets at Pony Expresso in Ashland. The speaker this month on the national call is Dr. Dan Ariely Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University and a founding member of the Center for Advanced Hindsight. To learn more, download the CCL Action Sheet by clicking "Get the Action Sheet", click here September 22, 2024 , from 3-4 p.m. PDT - Faith in Place  has announced that "Lama Rod Owens, a black Buddhist southern queen and an internationally acclaimed teacher whose teachings center on freedom, self-expression, and radical self-care, will deliver the annual Environment & Spirituality Summit  keynote address."  Register here. September 28-29, 2024  - The Unitarian Universalist (UU) Climate Justice Revival   will equip UU congregations to enter a new era of climate action with the theme: Reimagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Era .  More than 175 UU congregations nationwide have announced their participation in the Climate Justice Revival weekend, Hosted by the UU Climate Justice Coalition and Friends, Interested congregations can find information at the UU Climate Justice Revival website . Register your congregation here. October 15, 2024 - November 19, 2024 , Tuesdays from 4-5:30 p.m. PDT - Deeptime Network is offering a 6-week course with Brian Thomas Swimme, assisted by Jennifer Morgan: Cosmogenesis: Autocosmology as a Spiritual Practice . This is a required course for the Advanced Deeptime Leadership Program starting in January 2025 for those who have not done the 9-month DT Leadership Program. The cost is $171 for members. Register here. September 24, 2024 , from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. PDT - SOCAN is having a Rogue Valley community gathering where individuals have the chance to share food and company with other climate-concerned people! This event will allow climate activists across the valley to share hopes, dreams, and ideas related to our fight for a healthy environment and a stable climate for future generations." This event will be held at the offices of partner organization Rogue Climate at 205 N. Phoenix Rd Suite 255, Phoenix, OR, RSVP to October 2024-March 2025 , from 4-5:30 p.m. PT - The BTS Center is offering online " Navigating Climate Spiritual Care: A Learning Community for chaplains, pastors, educators, lay leaders, and spiritual seekers , on Monday evenings twice monthly from October 21, 2024 through March 10, 2025. The program fee is #200. The application deadline is September 15, 2024. Register here .   Rogue Valley Voice aggregates and curates information from many third-party sources and does not necessarily endorse all aspects of others' work. Still, we find their viewpoint provocative and interesting enough to encourage the reader to engage with and come to their understanding and actions, as they deem appropriate.

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